[2] - CB97

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3RACHA is a group made up of three guys. They started making music around five years ago, but only began publishing them last year. All of them take part in producing, yet their main producer is called 'CB97'. They seem to be focusing mainly on rap music and so far have only tried out a very small amount of musical genres.

You're rehearsing all of your research in your head as you make your way over to your favorite spot. You love to go there whenever you have to work, because it's quiet and basically unknown. Right next to a narrow river, underneath a bridge, somewhere in the rural area. You found Max passed out there once, and thought you could come here more often. Fortunately, he doesn't remember, meaning he can't find you here. It's always been the best place to be alone, until it suddenly wasn't. Walking up to a tree you always sit underneath, next to the bridge, you notice the silhouette of a stranger. You want to leave, but a very stubborn part inside your body refuses to let you.

Surely it would be weird to just sit down right next to him without saying a word and start working... No. This is my spot. I don't care how weird it is.

You keep arguing with yourself inside your brain, when all of the sudden you look up to find the stranger waving his hand at you. Your brows furrow in confusion, as you slowly begin to approach him.

"Sorry, do you usually sit here?", he asks.

His voice seems oddly familiar.

"Yeah, usually...", you respond hesitantly.

The stranger gives the ground next to him a few pats, gesturing for you to come sit next to him. You've never liked being around people, but you don't know where else to go, and telling him to leave would be rude. He has every right to be here, no matter how much you hate it. You encourage yourself to stay stubborn and sit next to him. It feels less weird now, considering he's invited you to do so himself.

"So what brings you here?", he attempts to spark a conversation.

You're not exactly used to overly talkative people. Normally, everybody refuses to approach you, or is too scared to, because Max would push them away from you.

"I come here when I need to work", you respond bluntly.

"Ah, is that so? I was thinking about doing that as well", he explains.

You give him a nod to show that you heard what he said, but then don't know what else to say. To make it feel less awkward, you finally open up your laptop and look for your headphones inside your bag.

"Since we're most likely going to run into each other more often, could I have your name?", the stranger suddenly asks.

You don't like giving out your personal information to just anyone, but somehow you feel as if you've already met him before. You remember his voice very faintly, but you simply can't pin-point his face.

"It's y/n", you finally answer.

He looks away for a second, before his eyes widen.

"Ah, it's you! I met you at the club, you remember? Someone called your name and then you left together."

I knew I heard his voice before.

"So you're... Christopher?"

"Chris is okay. And yeah, that's me", he says.

A feeling of relief rushes through your body when you realize you've found the owner of that jacket you mindlessly kidnapped. Of course, you didn't bring it with you today, but knowing that he will be here more often means you can easily return it to him soon.

"I'm sorry, Chris. I'll make sure to bring you your jacket tomorrow, if you'll be here", you apologize.

He quickly waves his hands at you.

Soulmate production [Chan x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें