[3] - For You

379 17 1

You've arrived at the arcade center that Max likes to visit regularly and hand him his coffee.

"I've got $30 in my bag. Take those", he says.

You nod at him. It's a bit more than what you had to pay, but you can use the extra money to buy yourself some new face masks. You put his wallet back into his bag and take a few steps towards the exit.

"Hold on, where are you going?", Max stops you.

You turn around annoyed,
"Home. I have to take a bath and unwind."

"But... I still need something."

"Please, can't you get it yourself this time?", you plead.

You really want to just go home and relax, considering you barely had the time to do so yesterday.

"y/n, I need new shampoo. Get me the one I usually use", he demands.

"Sure, but can't I just get it and take it home? You don't need it now."

"I need to check if it's the right one, y/n."

You roll your eyes at him,
"I'll send you a photo, now let me go."

Max continues to call your name while you're walking away, but you refuse to turn around. His requests are so odd and unnecessarily inconvenient sometimes.

At the store you're struggling to find the shampoo you were told to look for. Puzzled you keep walking through the same aisle.

Impossible. They've never run out of this one before.

While you're examining the shelves carefully, a man with light brown hair approaches you from your left and taps your shoulder. You turn around and read the name tag on his uniform.

'Jeong Yunho'

"Are you looking for anything, miss?", he asks you politely.

"Uh, yeah. Do you have any of this shampoo left?", you ask while pointing at the empty shelf.

"Not if there isn't any on the shelves, no. I'm sorry. Who are you buying it for? Mind telling me about their hair structure and such? I could recommend a different shampoo", the shop employee suggests.

"Well... he's got a super dry and flaky scalp, looks like it's snowing once he shakes his head. Plus, his hair gets greasy super easily. It also smells super bad, it's hard to be around him because of its horrible scent. Plus, he dyes it so much his entire hair is dead, and the colors never even turn out to look good. Basically, his hair is reaaally ugly", you dramatically explain.

The employee looks at you perplexed and hesitates to reply.

"You have any recommendations?", you ask with a teasing grin on your face.

You probably shouldn't let out your frustration on this random employee, but you really needed to complain about Max and somehow let your anger out. Making fun of his hair is enough for you.

"I, uh... maybe this one? It helps to strengthen the roots", he explains while holding a shampoo.

"Sure, I'll take it. Thank you."

After paying, you make sure to take a photo of the product and send it to Max with the message:
'All they had. Take it or leave it.'

At home, you decide to put your phone on 'Do not disturb' and scroll through Tiktok for a little while. Because you've been looking into 3RACHA, the algorithm has been sending lots of related videos to your FYP. One video in particular catches your eye. You read the caption:

'The family of music producer and rapper CB97 has been receiving multiple scam calls and messages. According to an unknown source, the family has already sent hundreds of dollars to the scammer in hopes they would stop, but they haven't. They have zero knowledge about who the scammer could be, and CB97 himself hasn't spoken up about this situation at all. Rumor has it he's been distancing himself as to not get dragged into it.'

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