Chapter Six

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"What do we have here?" A woman's voice asks.

Anastasia remains silent.

I turn my head towards the voice. "Wh-who's there?" My voice trembles.

"My name is Medusa," the woman says. "Who are you?"

"I-I am Icarus," I reply, stepping closer to my companion.

"I am Anastasia," Anastasia's voice is clear and unwavering.

I hear leaves crunching under the slow slithering of a snake tail. I swallow hard.

"What brings you two out this way?" Medusa's voice drifts around us, making my stomach churn with anxiety.

"Icarus needed to escape an abusive home," Anastasia replies for me, her shoulder pressed to mine for support.

"And why are you here? They usually send people by themselves. Unless you're here to take my life, seeing as you have a sword on your hip," Medusa sneers.

"I asked for help!" I blurt out, gripping Anastasia's arm. "The healer of our village said she'd helped me!"

"The sword was only ever intended for protection. Not for taking your life, Medusa," Anastasia replies. "I would never harm a protector. I myself am an apprentice to a healer."

The hostility that is in the air suddenly vanishes.

"Oh, I see," Medusa says, her voice calm. "Then you may leave, Anastasia. I shall take the boy with me from here."

Anastasia squeezes my hand one more time before releasing it. The cool air rushes to cover up her warmth and I clench my hand to avoid grasping for her hand again.

"Goodbye, Icarus," Anastasia says.

"Good-Goodbye, Anastasia," I reply, swallowing the thickness welling up in my throat.

"Live well now, OK?"

I nod as I feel a cool hand settle on my shoulder.

"All will be well now," Medusa tells me.

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