Chapter Four

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Sophia presses a box into my hands, her hand pressed to my back as she leads me somewhere.

I keep my mouth shut, my heart thudding loudly in my ears.

"Anastasia, please assist him to Medusa's hideout," I hear Sophia say.

"Yes, ma'am."

I stiffen unconsciously.

Medusa. The gorgon sister who turns anyone who looks at her into stone.

I start to shake my head, panic setting into my bones.

"Relax, Icarus," Sophia's voice coos in my ear. "She'll help you. Trust her."

I take a few deep breaths in, steadying my breathing before nodding. "I'll try," I whisper.

"Good. Now go before everyone begins waking," she says, her hand pushing against my back.

"Thank you for everything," I tell her.

"Thank me by surviving. Live a better life out there," she calls.

My heart sinks a little, knowing I'll never see or talk to her again.

Anastasia grabs my hand, her grip strong. "I'll keep you safe. I've got some fighting experience and a sword if we run into trouble," she tells me, pulling me forward and away from the village I used to call home.

"Thank you," I tell her, following as best as I can.

"Thank me later. We need to hurry. The sun is rising," she says, her grip tightening as her steps become faster.

"O-Ok," I respond, trying to match her pace while clutching the box to my chest.

Oh, gods above and below, please help us get to Medusa safely, I pray silently.

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