Chapter Two

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I press my hands against the wall, slowly stepping down the hall. I keep my breath quiet, listening for any other sounds besides his loud snoring.

I stop when my hand brushes the handle to the front door, my breath catching in my throat.

Am I ready for this? Am I ready for these consequences?

Yes. Yes, I am.

I twist the handle slowly, waiting for the soft click of the latch.



I pull the door open and step out of the familiar house, onto the familiar patio. Releasing the door handle, I run.

I run to the gate I've passed through for years, unlatching the gate from the fence and throwing it open. I hear it bang against the fence as I run down the street, feeling my throat close up from fear and my heart stuttering in my chest.

I slip and fall as I step off the sidewalk into the silent street, scraping my hands and knees against the concrete. I pick myself up, adrenaline concealing my pain.

I make my way to where I think the wash bins are. I feel my foot collide with something, and a loud clatter sounds. Panicking, I step back and I stumble into something.

I yelp as arms encompass me. Thrashing, I try to escape.

"Please! Calm down! I won't hurt you!" I hear a rough, but kind voice say.

I stop moving. "Wh-who are you?" I ask, trying to minimize the quiver in my voice.

"It's me, Sophia," the voice says.

Sophia is the village healer. She's kind and always lends a hand. As an older lady, she's revered for her knowledge of many, many things.

I feel my body sag in relief, knowing I haven't been caught by my boyfriend again.

"Come inside," she says, her voice hushed as she releases me.

I nod, grabbing her arm.

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