Chapter 1: The New Guardian

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A/N: This work couldn't have been done without JessicaCoffaro who has helped me do this story, couldn't have done it without her

Cecilia was with the elves making toys that's when she arrived about to tell north something when she saw a pitch black (yes I know, the irony) shadow making its way through the palace both north and Amelia glared looking knowing it was him.

"Can it be?" North asked in his Russian tone, turning to Cecilia "sound the alarm, we have something."

Nodding using a soldier salute the queen fairy of summer flew to push the signal, it gave out beautiful yellow and green lights they call it... the northern lights. It sends out the signal to all three of the other guardians, Tooth, Sandy, and Bunny all saw it.

She saw them coming in getting greeted with hugs and handshakes until north came up.

"This better be good North," Bunny spoke in an Australian tone.

"Pitch was here," North told him.

"Pitch Black?" Tooth asked.

"I saw him, I could feel it," North said then held his belly "in my belly."

"Hold on, hold on, you mean to tell me you called me all the way over here three days before Easter because of your belly?" Bunny asked while painting his egg with a paintbrush, he then points the paintbrush at him "mate, if I did this to you three days before Christmas..."

"Bunny, it's true we did," Cecilia spoke up.

"And Easter is not Christmas," North added.

Bunny laughed sarcastically then stopped "here we go," He followed "North, I don't have time for this! I've still got two billion eggs."

Rolling eyes Amelia felt her arm tugged on by Sandy, she looked up and saw Manny telling them something. "Guys look!"

North and the rest stopped talking "Manny! Been a long time old friend, what's big news?"

The moon shined a bright light in the middle showing a shadow figure of Pitch.

Bunny looked shocked. "It is Pitch."

North looked to bunny rubbing his belly then looked up at Manny "Manny, what must we do?" He asked.

Again he shined a bright light except for this time the middle opened appearing from it came a diamond.

Everyone was making guesses who the new guardian was, that was until it showed a boy with a staff.

"Jack Frost..." North said quietly.

One of the fairies fainted, summer looked disgusted knowing "Ugh, not him."

"Jack Frost?" Bunny began "He doesn't care about children, all he does is freeze stuff water pipes and mess with my egg hunts. Alright? Jack is an irresponsible, selfish--"

"Guardian!" North said excitedly.

"Jack Frost is many things but he is not a guardian." Bunny finished.

"And you will go watch him." North turned to Amelia pointing at her chest.

"What?! Me?" She asked holding her hand to her chest.

"The boy will need a guardian himself, the company you're his opposite Summer, he's going to need a friend."

"Oh no, no way am I not going to watch over him, I have stuff of my own." Cecilia flew over to him as he walked away.

"Your season isn't until bunnys' is over anyway, you have plenty of time." He waved his hand to her.

"Ha. Ha. No."

"But you have no choice," North said.

He pulled out a snow globe and threw it as it showed burgess and North pushed her to it.

"Need help?" He asked as she realized who was standing over her.

Cecilia looked up to see he was right there offering his hand, not able to refuse she gave a smile and took his hand getting up her wings fluttering.

"Thank you, Jack." She said.

"Come on let's go have some fun, I already froze the statue and water fountain." He laughed as it was good times "follow me."

He began to fly off with Cecilia behind him, as he froze everything from the streets to the windows on the apartments, she flew after him up on the pole as she looked at him with a smile one on each side of the pole.

"Oh, now that, that was fun," Jack commented looking towards his opposite. "Wasn't it summer."

She looked annoyed then replied, "first of all its Cecilia, second of all yeah, that was fun." She grinned looking over at burgess hearing Jack talking.

"Hey wind, take me home!"

The both of them flew on the day of burgess, Jack got excited as it was snow day, Cecilia followed him.

"SNOW DAY!!!" He called out excitedly.

Shaking her head smiling she flew around twirling and sliding with her staff like Jacks' except it was covered in flowers, he landed in a lake letting her slide along with him, as a boy with his friends was reading something it flew off his hand due to Jacks wind.

"Huh, that looks like a cool book." Jack looked at it commenting.

Cecilia had a feeling, that one feeling it was something strange about this family but unable to think, the two of them landed on the fence walking around until he heard Jamie talking.

"The Easter bunny is real."

Jack paced around while Cecilia flapped her wings airborne.

"Oh, he's real alright, really annoying, really grumpy and really full of himself."

The two opposites watched seeing his mom talking about Jack Frost nipping at his nose.

"Who's Jack Frost?" He asked.

"Nothing sweetie, it's just an expression." His mom replied.

Feeling offended he turned to his mother.

"Hey," He then grabbed a pile of snow rubbing against his hands as Cecilia squeezed her temples shaking her head "whose Jack Frost?"

Jack blew into the snowball with a smirk on his face throwing it at Jamie as he looked around wondering who threw it. Cecilia just kept shaking her head what has he started she wondered.

This is going to be a looong day...

I've Always Believed: Two Opposite Seasons One Destiny [ #RiseOfTheGuardians ]Where stories live. Discover now