11 - Rivalry

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11 | Rivalry


"You've got me nervous

to speak."

"I have a feeling it's my cousin Diego."

If you asked me two years ago if that statement would ever leave my mouth, I'd laugh in your face and ask if you're the one giving me the guts to even utter those words but now, it's pretty much justified. I have every right to think of Diego as a suspect. I don't know anyone else that would be obsessed with almost everything that I do.

Like I've said before, a one-sided rivalry. Ariá looked at me as if I was speaking a foreign language. As if it was impossible for my own cousin to be the one behind the theft but how would she know?

"Is it because you have a bad relationship with him?" She asked.

It is way more than a bad relationship but just to keep my family issues to myself, I just nodded. I can't just drop my problems onto my friend without any warning whatsoever, especially since it hasn't been a month since I've met Ariá.

"You can bring him up to my dad and he'll do the investigating since I'm not qualified for stuff like this." She said, laughing a little to herself and I couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of me.

Another painting idea.

"Could you say something in your native language? I mean Italian, you don't have to do it of course. I was just asking so–" I could see how nervous she got just by asking that question. She rambled on and on, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. I swallowed my laugh so I wouldn't worsen her embarrassment.

"Sei molto carina."(You're pretty).

"What did you say?"

"You can't cook."

Before I could even process why Ariá moved, a pillow came sailing my way and hit me right in the face.

Ariá was talking to one of her friends, Chloe I believe, while I washed up. She sat on the counter talking about something I definitely had no clue about as I was drying the utensils. They were conversing intensely so I took the opportunity to slip out of the kitchen, having my phone in my hand as I waltzed towards the patio.

I sat in the little chair that was out here and sent off a text message to Elia asking her to take out my sketchbook as well as my pencils. I made sure to specify because the last time I begged her to do this for me, I came home to see my sketchpad being covered by this jumbo yellow pencil and she said, "Hey, a pencil is a pencil".

I put down the phone and really reflected on the fact that my life had taken a complete U turn: I never really had "friends"; didn't talk that much; lost my painting, but on the brighter side, I met Ariá and her brother and life isn't that dreary anymore. I even found got out of artist block thanks to a special someone.

So yeah, life is pretty great at the moment.

It was a little chilly outside, probably because it's November now. Thinking back, I only met Ariá and pretty much everyone a few weeks ago. The wind had my hair swaying back and forth and when it decided to let the front strands block my eyesight, that's when I decided it would be a good time to go back inside or maybe even go home.

I don't want it to seem like I have no home to go back to. Grabbing my phone once more, I sent off a quick text to let Elia know I'm on my way soon. I have no clue why she loves being present at my apartment 24/7 but as long as she does a little head start on dinner, I really have no problem.

I got up and walked over to the door but it was being swung open and I ended up on the floor being crushed by a weight on my body. Warm and soft. Grunting, I lifted my head to see Ariá on top of me with her head practically hidden in my chest.

"I am so sorry! I really wasn't paying attention and you took a long time to come back inside so I thought something happened." She rambled on and on, apologizing like crazy but all I focused on was how soft her hands felt. At this point, she had sat up already trying to explain herself, still on me. Her whole face is a dark shade of red.


Picking her up in the process, I got up and set her down properly and brushed the dust off my pants. "It's okay Ariá, accidents happen. I was actually coming in to let you know I'm heading home now."

After saying goodbyes, Ariá went back inside and I was reversing out of the driveway, ready to make my way home.

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