You breathed in and out deeply- centring yourself- before flashing her a small smile and moving to kiss her nose. "I know. I'm so boring." You cooed, pouting your bottom lip playfully and earning a smile from the younger woman, who happily went back to her phone.

Lea wasn't a long term solution. She was just a distraction, just like all your other boyfriends and girlfriends. You'd been with Lea for about a month and after this party, you assumed she would become a bore just as all the others had and you'd end up breaking up in an explosive way.

As you pulled up to the event, everything was becoming all too real. Your heart was pounding in your chest. The past was confronting you in the worst way possible and it was coming at you head on.

The thought of hitting your vape again made you want to vomit, but a cigarette would have done wonders in that exact moment.

Lea got right in your face and held her clutch up between the both of your chests as the car pulled to a stop. "Sure you don't want a bump?" She drawled out, grinning with a dazed and dull look encompassing her face.

You made a move to shake your head, but instead found yourself grabbing the bag from her hands at the last moment. You dipped your hand in the bag whilst avoiding the other woman's eyes, keeping your head dropped down as you took a pinch of coke in your nail.

You quickly snorted it up and shoved the baggy down in your bra. "Hey!" Lea squealed, clearly not happy with you stealing her drugs.

"You not doing anything else, we have to be professional." You explained, whipping out your phone to to a once over your makeup. Lea whined but you couldn't be bothered by her. "You'll get it back after." You held your hand out for her to take, and after only a slight hesitation, the both of you were exiting the car hand in hand.

Cameras were clicking from the moment you had arrived and as you and Lea, departed from the car, they only increased. The media coverage only proved this was, in fact, a Trixie Mattel event.

Your hands snapped protectively to Lea's waist as you lead the blonde into the building.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice screamed from across the room. Your gaze shot up to find Trixie Mattel in full drag, and David Silver waving you over through the crowd. You weren't too high, but paranoia always hit you hard, so you attempted to put on the most average expression you could muster up; a gentle smile.

Walking Lea over, you quickly made your way over to your friends. "Hey kids!" You grinned, suddenly throwing yourself for a loop with that strangely familiar sentence. You saw Trixie and David's expressions very obviously falter when they remembered the last time you said those words. "Or something a little less... traumatic." You added, in a hushed tone. Lea stared up at you in confusion as she recognized the tense air immediately pass over the conversation.

Trixie brushed it off. "Good to see you, girl, love the latex, you look great!" She smiled, pulling you into a tight hug. Things were still tense, but you relaxed slightly when Trixie made the move to hug you. Pulling back from the blonde queen, you almost found yourself getting a little emotional, in the middle of all the sentiments.

You moved to hug David and he rubbed your back comfortingly as you leaned into him. "You always make me feel so old." He hummed, with a gentle sigh as he pulled away smiling.

"Hi, I'm Trixie Mattel." Trixie introduced herself to Lea as you stepped away from David. You cringed a little bit over the exchange, Trixie had seen you parading Lea around, you assumed she would understand the situation, but still.

"I'm Lea... (Y/N)'s girlfrienddd." The blonde stated, drawling her words out in a way that practically pinned a sign that said 'I'm not sober', to her forehead. Trixie's eyes went wide, but she held her tongue and only smiled, chuckling lowly.

"I'm David- Trixie's boyfriend!" David interjected, obviously trying to save you from any of Trixie's jokes. "How long have you and (Y/N) been together?" He asked kindly, tilting his head to the side curiously.

"About a monthhh, maybeee... I dunno really." Lea slurred obnoxiously and earning an eye roll from Trixie. You needed to stop whatever was going on and so you were quick to interject, lunging forward to pull Lea in close to you.

"Why don't you go get a drink, sweetie." You stated firmly, furrowing your brows, but only earning an excited nod from the intoxicated woman before she slipped away through the crowd of influencers.

"She's very-" Trixie began with the largest grin on her face, looking as though she was going to tear you a new one.

"Blonde! Very very blonde!" David interrupted, elbowing the queen as he attempted to rescue you from Trixie's read. "She seems sweet. We're glad you found someone." David smiled sweetly, leaning forward to rub your arm.

David had always been incredibly kind to you, but today he was really going to extra mile to ensure your comfort - or maybe just to avoid awkwardness.

"Thanks..." you mumbled, unsure, not wanting to tell them just how disposable she was in your mind. "Oh, fuck! Congrats you guys! A motel, that's some serious shit!" You grinned, remembering just exactly why you'd even came that day. You had only heard about the motel, and had yet to see it, but you assumed it would be a big deal for the pair to finally work on something together.

"You bet your ass it's serious shit. You shoulda seen the power tools! If I'd known you were a lesbian I would have had you on." Trixie joked, finally being able to get a joke in without being cut off, interrupted or just shut down.

You smiled, shooing the queen away playfully. "Yeah yeah. I'm a bisexual, I would have been more interested in the plants..." you mumbled in false defeat, earning an enthusiastic bout of laughter over the couple. That's when a looming thought passed over you, and your fists instinctively clenched. "Uh- is- uh... Katya here, by any chance?" You asked, running your hand through your hair nervously as you awaited Trixie's response.

"Speak of the devil." Trixie hummed, pointing just behind you, your head snapped around to see exactly who you had been dreading wanting to see. Katya stood a few inches taller than you in a pink dress and her classic blonde bob. She was waltzing over to the 3 of you with a bright smile on her face.

"Hello, hi!" She smiled, waving gently as she approached. You were awestruck, your jaw practically left on the floor as you stared at her- her makeup more refined, her eyes a brighter shade of blue, and her waist a pinch tighter- you were too focused on her beauty in fact, that you didn't take notice to several things Trixie and David did.

She was shaky, her pupils were blown, and she was loosing weight much too fast. Had you not been so high yourself, maybe you would have noticed Katya's condition. In hindsight you realized only Trix and David knew how fucked the both of you were and only had they seen the difference between you together and apart.

Same Game: Different Devils - Katya Zamolodchikova x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now