Chapter One

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"I'm just finishing my makeup, sweetie. We'll leave for Trixie's in 5 ish." You shouted up the stairs as you puffed a couple more strokes on pink blush onto your cheeks, complimenting the all pink look you had chosen for Trixie's grand motel opening. You had stopped managing Trixie over a year ago now, but you remained on her PR and invite lists so you chatted whenever you saw one another. You were close, but things could never be the same as they were.

You did a once over your face before smiling gently and spritzing your makeup with your favourite setting spray to seal the deal.

You turned to turned to face the stairs as just about the most beautiful person in the world made their grand entrance. "Lea." You hummed happily, eyes flicking over your girlfriends short pink dress before you quickly moved to meet her, engulfing her in a warm embrace. Lea was about 3 inches shorter than you even with the both of you in monstrous 9 inch heels. The 24 year old woman was dressed in a short frilly pink dress, contrasting to the tight leather bodycon you were dressed in."You look amazing." You smiled, eyes grazing her being from her honey blonde hair to her white pumps.

"Thanks, love." Lea responded, pecking your lips before opening her phone and walking straight through the modern house to the front where the car was waiting.

Your management company was popular before, but only now did the money really start to pour in and business really begin to boom. Now you barely took on any clients and only managed other managers recruiting for the company, you only dealt with the highest profile celebrities and from models to YouTubers, people fought to have you as their representative. You were at a point in your career where it was your job to get high and party- and best believe- you did.

You followed behind Lea sighing, but unlike your social media obsessed girlfriend, you stored your phone away in a spandex clutch which perfectly matched your dress. The only theme to this grand opening was pink, so you were forced to buy a new and sadly not red garment for the occasion.

You were at a point in your success where you had hired a driver so you almost never had to worry about your sobriety and you fully intended to drink at this event, assuming Bri- Katya would be in attendance.

The car was completely silent on the way to the venue and sadly enough, you were not smoking. You were instead puffing on a strawberry-mango vape, and all thanks to the girl beside you. Lea hated the smell of smoke, but apparently loved the smell of coke, so you at least had that in common.

"Babe- grab the baggie from inside my purse." Lea slurred, not moving her bright green eyes from her screen as she pointed blindly to her clutch. You reached inside the pale clutch to find a little bag filled with a white powder. "I'm honestly so over coke, my friend Blake said that Tina hits hard if we-" Lea began rambling whilst talking a quick snort off the nail of her pinky finger.

"No meth." You snipped, reaching for the bag. As you held the small pouch in your hand, you debated back and forth on wether or not you should take any. Trixie was an old friend and after the 'incident', as you referred to your little situation with Katya, you weren't sure if her seeing you high on cocaine was going to send the right message, plus, Katya wouldn't want to see you like that and you assumed she would be there.

Sighing, you zipped the bag closed and shoved it back down into Lea's clutch. Your girlfriends eyes shot to you with a concerned look, but her lips were pulled into a giddy grin and her pupils were already blown. "This is the first time in our entire relationship that you've turned down coke? What the fuck?" She questioned, a high nasal quality to her voice. Lea was incredibly attractive, but she wasn't the smartest at times, she was a party girl.

"I'm just not feeling it." You stated, taking a deep puff of that stupid fucking vape and turning to face the window.

"Boringggg..." she sighed, slapping her hand down on your thigh, and easily drawing your attention back to her. You were always shocked whenever she opened her mouth, she kept you on your toes... she also kept you wondering how she didn't float away when her head was filled with helium.

Same Game: Different Devils - Katya Zamolodchikova x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now