Chapter Twenty-Seven:

Start from the beginning

I felt a surge of something, and before I knew it, I had said, "Maybe Lefay."

Damn it. I wished I could suck those words back into my mouth as easily as a hollow could suck its tongues.

"Huh?" Horace looked confused.

"Forget it." I said quickly. "It was nothing."

"No, that wasn't nothing," Horace said, getting an accusatory sound in his voice. He sat up straighter, looking me in the eye. He knew something was up. I wondered if he had had a dream about my secret that he hadn't remembered earlier. "Why'd you say Miss P's middle name?"

"I just think it's a good middle name!" I defended myself, but I knew it was weak. Me and my stupid mouth. I should never have said anything and just moved on. We had gotten off-topic again, anyway.

"Oh really?" Horace asked.

"Yeah! Now let's get back on topic..." I was really reaching here. Horace was being uncharacteristically persistent. Maybe it was because he knew his life wasn't in imminent danger at the moment.

"No you don't. I'm not discussing almost dying until after you've told me what this is all about. Don't think I haven't forgotten that time when you had that meltdown. It was only a few days ago, and-"

"A couple." I interrupted.


"You said a few... it's actually called a couple because... two days versus three... nevermind." I sighed.

"Nice try changing the subject. But you aren't getting away that easily."

I sighed again, my heart sinking. I would have to tell him the truth. But first...

"Millard?" I asked, trying to tell if he was in the room.

No answer.

"I don't think he's in here, but I'll go around and check just in case." He stood up and started to move around the room. It would have looked a bit silly if I hadn't known what he was doing.

"Thanks." I was actually starting to calm down a bit. If there was anyone who I felt comfortable with in an uncomfortable situation, it was Horace. And it was obvious that he cared. I smiled at him as he sat back down next to me.

"Go on. Millard's not here."

"Fine. But I'm warning you- it's a bit weird and confusing." I gulped.

"Have you not noticed where we are? Everything is weird and confusing."

I gave a weak laugh. "Not this weird and confusing."

"No more stalling."

"Okay, but you have to promise not to freak out."

"Just tell me already!" Horace said, then sighed. "I promise."

And just like that, the truth spilled out of me.

. . .

"Wow," Horace said after I was done, his eyes wide. "So technically, you're Miss P's..."

"Yeah." I bit my lip.

"You're right. This is majorly weird, even more weird than anything else I have ever heard." He blinked a couple of times, then went straight back to staring. I hoped he wouldn't faint.

"I told you not to freak out."

"I'm not!" Horace defended himself, finally looking at me. "I'm just... taking a moment to process."

I felt an urge to argue my point now. "Do you see why I ran away and had that meltdown now?"

Horace nodded, eyes still wide. "And Caul and Bentham are-"

"Don't say it," I begged. "I don't like to think about it."

"That must be weird. I mean, it's really hard to understand with all this... time travel... But this is ridiculous!" Horace frowned. "I mean, it's weird to think about for ME, so I can't imagine what it must be like for YOU..."

"Maybe you could attempt to come to terms with this a bit more quietly?" I suggested. It was a bit awkward.

"I'm done," Horace insisted, his eyes finally returning to normal, not wide open anymore. "It's just BIG news. So this is why you've been so distant."

"It's a bit weird being around Miss Peregrine now, especially since she doesn't know... you know? So, yeah, I'm being a little distant."

"You must feel horrible."

"Thanks for the insight, Somnusson."

"You're welcome." We both started to smile. Horace cleared his throat.

"I had my own question for you."

"Oh?" I asked. "What is it?"

"I was wondering if you... I mean, since we may not live much longer..."

"Please don't talk like that."

"I'm sorry. I'm a little scared of all this, and I know you must think I'm a wimp..."

"Just spit it out, Horace." I had a feeling about what was about to come, and I longed with all my heart for it to be true.

"Do you... want to be my girlfriend?"

I could tell the question was sincere. And I wanted my answer to be as sincere as his question was. I already knew what I wanted.

"I mean, we haven't even kissed and I've never done this before so—"

"Horace Somnusson," I cut him off, my chest thrumming and a big smile playing across my face. "I do."

And then, not knowing what else to do, I put my arms around him, careful not to touch him with my hands, and pulled him into a hug, not quite not-awkward enough to kiss. I settled my chin on his shoulder, the pressed fabric of his suit smooth.

"That was nerve-racking," Horace commented, wrapping his arms around me. "I thought you might say no."

"I know," I said back. "But it was worth it."

"It was." He agreed. We both pulled back, and I noticed he was smiling and blushing. I was too.

A boyfriend. I was happy it was Horace. I loved him, I realized that now, with everything. And I could tell he loved me back.

We sat there, boyfriend and girlfriend, settled against each other.

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