Chapter Ten:

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We left a few minutes later, trooping along out through the swamp and cave, to the modern world. We avoided the town and the populated areas, and a quick talk and mind-wipe later, we were on a boat to the next island over, which was where the entrance to Miss Wren's loop was. We had out-run the hollow that was still trying to find us back on Cairnholm.

We landed safely, with no bumps along the way, and another quick mid-wipe later, the boat and it's captain were on their way back to Cairnholm, with no memory of ever taking a group of weird looking kids and an old-fashioned woman to any island.

We made our way along to the giant rock which resembled a giant head. It was a bit strange, to have known where to go, and to have gotten there so fast. It seemed too easy.

I voiced my concern and a few members of our group agreed, while the rest just stayed gravely silent. We wanted it to be true, but it couldn't. It just... couldn't. So I did the only logical thing. I checked my book. I skipped to the part of the story we were at, and I scanned the page.

"Good God..." I said. Everyone clamored around me, asking me what I meant. "There's a hollow in there. How could I have forgotten?"

"How do we kill it?" Jake asked. He was looking much more confident now, and I was sure that Miss Peregrine had been right to insist that it would be him to kill the wight.

"You get the hollow to fall off the ledge while you go up in the net elevator and then tell Bronwyn how to hit it with a boulder when it tries to climb back up." I said, looking right at Jake.

"Okay then, we'll do it."

"Assuming it's there yet," I reminded everyone. "Remember, we're still days ahead. I don't know if this book even updates itself. And if it does, when."

"Be careful." Miss Peregrine ordered everyone.

"We will," Jake said, everyone echoing his promise. "We'll have to be."

We lowered each other into the throat of the Cuthbert-shaped stone. Jacob went first, to check for hollows. He was our greatest weapon and tool, so Bronwyn went in after him. Then we all went after them in no particular order.

When I went down I was braced for the cold water I knew was there, but it still made me shiver. Soon we were all down here in this hole in the earth, shivering and treading the water. Then, taking Claire's hand, I swam toward the hole leading toward the lake, bursting out with a gasp of air.

We headed toward the bluff next, hugging the wall as we got to the ledge. Jacob wasn't feeling any hollows, so we crossed safely.

Then we got to the net elevator. It was as comfortable as it looked, which meant it was incredibly UNcomfortable. Elbows smashed into faces, knees into stomachs, it was so, so crowded. And considering that it was a net, it made sense. If only the Menagerie had seen fit to find a more comfortable and convenient system of transportation. They must have never gotten any visitors who would complain.

We soon arrived at the menagerie. No one seemed to be there, but we traveled to the cabin on top of the stacked railroad ties. We stood next to it, debating whether or not to go up.

"Excuse me, but who are you and what are you doing here?"

The voice belonged to Addison, the dog. He was looking at us in an odd sort of way, having come from just around the corner, with his spectacles places firmly atop his nose. Miss Peregrine rushed forward.

"I'm Alma Peregrine. These are my wards."

"Ah, I've heard about you! Welcome to Miss Wren's Menagerie! My name is Addison MacHenry. What can I do for you?" He asked, looking around at all of us. "What brings you here?"

Before anyone could discuss anything, Emma blurted out a question.

"Has Miss Wren left yet?"

"You seemed to have just missed her! She left just yester... Hang on-- how did you know about that?"

We all looked at each other. Then we looked at Addison. He sniffed.

"I know I'm a dog, but that doesn't give you the right to not answer my questions. I am the 7th dog of the 7th dog in a family of prestigious dogs and I am most certainly smarter than regular hounds. I pride myself in being polite, but you're being downright rude."

"We're very sorry, Mr. MacHenry," Miss Peregrine apologized. "but we aren't sure if we should tell you everything. It's an incredibly complicated dillema. We know you're trustworthy, but we would like to avoid as much trouble as possible."

Addison thought for a moment, then sighed. "Very well. But if something big DOES happen, I want the truth."

"Yes. If it's relevant." Miss Peregrine agreed.

"Well then, since you won't tell me everything, and Miss Wren isn't here, what have you come for? What will you do now?"

"We came primarily to see Miss Wren, but since we haven't caught her before she left, we would like to ask for some assistance."

"With what?" Addison raised an eyebrow. Atleast, I assumed that he raised an eyebrow, considering it looked like it even though he was a dog and had no distinguishable eyebrows.

"The wights are planning to force their way into the library of souls. They're currently in the process of kidnapping all Ymbrynes. We assume they will go after Miss Wren next, after they stop searching for us. Although they might already have gone after her."

"Is there any way I can help her?" Addison asked, clearly concerned for his mistress.

"You can join us," I cut in. "We're heading to her after we're done here."

"Of course, but where are we heading? Where is she? Still in London?"

"Yes, most likely,"Miss Peregrine continued. "She might be in a building covered with ice, but the building might not even be covered yet."

"I should gather everyone else up and explain the situation,"Addison said. "Will you be content waiting here for now? We can eat soon after."

We agreed and Addison went off. 

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