Chapter Eleven:

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"Should we tell them?" The question circled around our group for the 9th time. We all answered with our usual answers: Yes, because then they would be more prepared, no, because then they could mess everything up even more, and so on.

After who knows how long, we decided we would only tell the animals of the menagerie the truth if necessary.

When about an hour had passed, Addison returned, and offered himself up for the challenge. He explained that the rest of the menagerie were going to stay and if anyone in our group wanted to stay, they could. We thought about it, but politely declined. Even Horace, who I told I would understand if he wanted to understand. Though we knew Caul wasn't with us, we still wanted to be careful. Just to be safe, we warned Addison too.

"I'm sure they can handle themselves nicely," Addison reassured us. "But I'll warn them just in case."

"Thank you." Miss Peregrine said.

"I just hope Miss Wren is safe." Addison replied. "We need to get her to safety as soon as possible." Although he didn't have a human face, he was clearly very worried for her.

"We're sure she's fine," Emma reassured him.

"Not exactly," Enoch said. "In fact, I think that she doesn't have a chance without us."

Everyone glared at Enoch.

"Enoch..." Miss Peregrine started.

"Fine," Enoch said, scowling. "I'm sure she's fine."

Still, even with Enoch's amendment, Addison looked even more worried. We tried our best to cheer him up, but it wasn't working.

We ate with everyone (eating the regular eggs, not the exploding ones), talking and making light jokes. It was nice, for once, but I know that I didn't get the most of it. I was too nervous about the journey ahead.

Miss Peregrine had been right to warn me against sharing, but I hadn't listened to her. And now I wasn't sure if anything in my book was true anymore. I checked it often, but every time it was the same. Sure, everything except the early arrival of the wight had been aligned with everything in my book, but I feared we had altered the storyline too massively to know what would happen next. The next events in the book are full of weights and trains, but I didn't know if the weights were even on our trail, without Caul to guide them and spy on us.

We set out the next morning, on the lookout for the gypsies. They were a bit behind on the road, but that was expected, as we ourselves were days early.

Miss Peregrine lead us in our approach.

"Who are you?" One of the sharp-eyed men asked.

"Syndrigasti." Miss Peregrine answered. That was all we needed to say. It was clear we were peculiar anyway, with Millard in clothes, Hugh with bees on his face, Emma holding up a flame, Bronwyn holding up a large chunk of rock with a bored expression on her face, and Olive leaping up into the air and sinking down half-speed.

The men grew warm and one beckoned at us with his hand.

"In that case, come meet Bekhir."

We were lead to a caravan near the middle of the camp, where we were greeted by Bekhir, the gypsy leader.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bekhmanatov," Miss Peregrine said, shaking his hand after he had introduced himself. "I'm Alma Peregrine, the ymbryne in charge of these peculiar children."

"What brings you here?" Bekhir asked.

"Only a safe place to stay for the night," Jake said. "Then we'll be on our way."

"Of course you can stay for the night," Bekhir replied kindly. "Anything to help a fellow outcast. Although, may I ask a small favor?"

"Of course," Millard said, knowing what was coming. This was the part of the journey he had been looking forward to most, meeting another peculiar like him. "Anything."

Bekhir addressed Millard. "You're invisible. My son... he's got... I mean, he's turning invisible too. Would you meet him? Explain a few things... you know."

"I would love to." Millard answered. Although you couldn't see his face, his voice had a little happiness in it. I understood. Being invisible would be hard on me too. I would certainly like to meet someone with the same peculiarity as me.

"Thank you," Bekhir said, holding out his clasped hands as a gesture of thanks. "The rest of you, would you follow this kind gentleman to the fire. We'll have dinner together very soon."

We all followed the gypsy to the rest of the camp, where the large fire was being made, and food brought out to be cooked. Millard followed Bekhir inside the caravan, where he would be meet the small boy who was turning invisible. His toes must have just started, we were days ahead from when his whole bottom half would disappear.

We talked with the gypsies, who were very interested in our abilities and personalities. There was one boy who seemed interested in Emma, but she made a point of holding Jake's hand, dancing with Jake, and talking with him. A lot of us danced around the fire. I didn't at first, but when Horace came up and awkwardly asked to dance, I couldn't object.

I must say, it was one of the happiest nights of my life. 

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