The New King

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Percy smirked as he sat atop his new throne, the old king's head under his shoe.

"Do you pledge allegiance to the new ruler of Olympus?" His voice boomed over the throne room, filled with almost every goddess, god, demigod and demigoddess as well as any nymph and satyr they could find.

Surprisingly, the first to step forward was the biggest man hater in the world.

"I pledge my allegiance to the new king. Perseus Jackson."

In a way, even Perseus was stunned, though the new king could understand how her feelings for him could've influenced her decision.

Plus, he refused to be like Zeus, this would be a new age of peace for Olympus.

"I pledge my allegiance to the new king. Perseus Jackson." A few melodic voices rang out.

The ones who spoke stepped forward.

Piper, Silena, Aphrodite, Athena, Hestia, Hera and even Thalia.

Jason looked stunned and conflicted when his girlfriend stepped forward. He knew Percy was in the right, but still, killing his dad wasn't the preferred outcome, though the old king had gotten far too deep into the ocean of tyranny.

It was hard for him to pledge allegiance to the man who had just killed his father, the man who was also his best friend, but apparently Piper had no issue with it.

More goddesses, gods and everybody alike started to step forward.

At first, it was only the people who had met, and knew Percy for who he was, the man they trusted with their lives.

Soon after, came the people who trusted the judgement of those previous souls, and soon, Perseus Jackson was officially the new king of Olympus.

Feeling a new level of power embedded within him from each pledge, Percy looked over the crowd with a stoic expression of content.

"Everyone please return to your homes and your duties, I must figure out how exactly I can make your lives and mine, eternally greater."

Everyone dispersed, gods sending their children back to camp as only three stayed behind to converse with the king.

"While I do not necessarily agree with how you did it, I do think you made the right choice my son." Poseidon grabbed his son's hand, shaking it before pulling him into a manly embrace.

After flashing out, Artemis stepped up next.

"Um, Percy?" She asked, causing him to turn toward her divine body. Oh how he yearned to have his way with her.

The goddess over the years had gotten used to calling him his less formal name, as well as blushing each and every time he spoke to her.

For the goddess, her first crush was an absolutely huge one, and she had to experience in controlling it, bursting into gold every time they touched.

"Yes Artemis?" He too, had gotten used to calling her something different.

"S-So I was thinking..." She started, making Percy listen in on what she had to say.

"Now that my father is gone, I-I'm pretty sure my o-oath faded with him."

It made sense, she made the oath to Zeus. "It's okay Artemis, what are you trying to say?"

"I-I was wondering if I could keep the hunt?" She asked shyly, biting her perfect lips.

"You know I'd never disband the hunt, plus..."

"You bite your lip when you lie." Perseus told her, making the goddess flush in embarrassment.

"Artemis." He spoke softly, walking up to her, and grabbing her hand.

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