34. As Above, So Below

Start from the beginning

    'You don't scare me, Klaus. Now, go do your damn job and let me do mine.'

    'But, of course.' he stepped through the dense cloud of black cloud and toward the stairs, straightening his composure and preparing for the fight ahead, but just a few steps forward he stopped and turned. 'Oh, and do try to remember zat ze Dark Man knows why you insist on keeping ze priest so close. Tell me, does Shawn Theron even know zat you are his Father?'

    'SHUT UP!' he screamed, stepping forth with his dagger tight in his grasp.

    'Is he aware zat you killed his mother while he was still in ze womb?'

    'I will kill you where you stand.' Merrill's blood boiled as his knuckles turned white around the grip of his weapon.

    'Yes, kill the son-of-a-bitch!' Chelsea yelled out hoping the two quarrelling men would kill one another before the spell could be completed, but just then, two figures in white had stepped onto the platform. Through the blanket of dense smoke which covered the entirety of the platform, they moved like ghosts in the fog.

    'This isn't over.' said Merrill, shaking off his rage as he turned back to the task at hand.

    'We have only just begun, I assure you.' Klaus grinned as he moved toward the Magi, and glided through the smoke like skating on an overcast sky.

    Ozzy Osborne and Stevie Nicks boldly moved forth in full Magi garb and ready to fight. The dark minion towered over them both as his fingers suddenly turned black, stretching to points like massive claws within draping red sleeves. The transformation did not go unnoticed as his two opponents observed cautiously and moved closer toward the center of the stone platform.

    'You are much shorter zan I pictured. Ze Dark Man knew zere was something more zan just a rebellious spirit in you, Ms. Nicks . . . or should I refer to you as ze Sorceress Supreme?'

    'STEVIE!' Chelsea screamed upon mention of her name, tears flooding her eyes though she could not see them, the black alter facing the opposite direction.

    'A tad over dramatic, wouldn't you say?' Klaus shook his head irritated, Chelsea's torment considered a light matter in his twisted view, though her pain was anything but light. 'I must say, however, I expected more from you, ze so-called Prince of Darkness.' he looked to her companion, but Ozzy wore an expression of indifference. 'Of all people, I expected you would understand what we are trying to do.'

    'Can't help the names we are given, I suppose.' Ozzy swung his daggers in each hand and braced himself, and the scribed Procielus lettering ignited in white as he moved through the smoke like the Savior walking on water. The two Magi halted before the towering Klaus, and all went quiet for a brief moment as the rain fell silently all around them, and the opposing forces eyed each other up, each side not entirely sure what to expect from the other.

    'Where is the Jezebel?' Stevie demanded boldly. 'We know she was weakened and now seeks to inhabit Christine Davidson . . . which of course we cannot allow.'

    'Ze Spirit of ze Jezebel never left, Ms. Nicks; similar to her holy counterpart she is everywhere, all around us. She is ze Great Harlot foretold to stand with ze Beast in ze coming days; mother and son reunited at last.' he smiled ever so vile. 'How touching, yes. Her presence has graced ze entertainment industry since its inception, now spilling into your media and influencing ze world. Now zat her noble work is complete, and ze morality of man has been sacrificed upon her alter, her once omnipresent essence may finally rest in human form.'

    He looked around expecting to see the young vessel, but spotted no one.

    'Zis . . . Christine should feel most honoured to be blessed with such a prestigious approbation. We should all rejoice in her coming, frauline. Ze Unholy Trinity will bring us great tidings of freedom and wealth—'

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