Cathy gasped for air, her crying had taken away her breath, "I- don't hurt me.. I'm begging you.."

"Your name," the woman glared her down, now with her jaw clenched, "one word, you can do it."

Cathy took a shakey breath, "Cathy."

The woman smiled, "now that wasn't so hard, was it? Your nickname too, great."

Cathy squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for whatever was about to happen.

"Well, Cathy, I am going to bite you, or cut you, your call, and I am going to drink your blood."

Cathy's breath hitched, "I can't- I'll do anything.. I can't handle bleeding..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anne hummed, oh well, if this Cathy didn't want to bleed, then she had to go with something different.

"If you don't want to decide.." her grip tightened over Cathy's mouth, "I'm just going to decide for you."

Anne eyed her for one last time and let Cathy go completely, "don't run. If you run, I'll hunt you down and you're not going to get out of here alive," she warned.

Cathy nodded hastily, her tears not stilling, "okay.. I won't..."

"You're cooperative, I like that," Anne traced Cathy's jaw with her finger, "if you really don't want to get bitten, you're going to find me somebody else to drink from, no better, to kill."

Cathy shook her head yes, and wiped her tears, "yes, I will! Thank you, thank you so much.."

Anne smiled, "don't try to run, honey."

Cathy lured a drunk older man, who seemed interested in her, over to Anne and Anne watched in amazement as she got him to somehow blindfold himself.

"I- he's drunk, I don't know if that's bad-" Cathy stuttered.

Anne took him carelessly by a shoulder and head to expose his neck, "thanks Cath, I wouldn't have guessed you to go through with that.. I'd suggest that you turn around now if you don't want to see blood."

The man blabbered out nonsense, and choked on a cry when Anne bit right through his throat.

She could sense Cathy shivering at the sounds that were produced by the biting and eating she did.

Anne hummed delighted, that man had been drinking good alcohol and this was just the perfect way to consume it.

Before she knew it the guy wouldn't bleed any further, she pulled away and could guess from Cathy's tensed form, that she had turned around too soon at some point.

"Holy shit," Cathy whispered.

"Thank you for bringing this champagne filled dude to me," Anne pat the guy's shoulder while he collapsed, feeling a drop of his blood drip down her chin, she put a finger up to catch it and put the finger in her mouth.

Cathy turned around, still not at all happy to see the blood, but something about the view interested her.

"You helped me so much already," Anne grinned with hooded eyes, "such a sweet, sweet human..."

Cathy didn't know what to say, she just nodded, not quite over the shock.

Anne moved a few steps closer, "how about you not tell a single soul about what happened, hm? I can give you something else to talk about," Anne showed her a sinister look.

"You don't have to... I- I can just leave and forget this ever happene-" Anne cut her off by kissing her.

Cathy panicked, not because a stranger that just killed a man kissed her in a dark tight space where everything around her screamed danger, but because she could taste blood.

But once the initial surprise was over, Cathy kissed back fiercely.

And that surprised Anne, she wasn't complaining, she would just never had expected for Cathy to be the one to grasp her waist, to pull her hair. (I had a stroke writing and editing this istf)

It wasn't long until Anne lost control over herself, the adrenaline was just too much, she bit Cathy's lip and drew blood.

Cathy whimpered and Anne could hear her heart beating frantically.

Anne did her best to not go too far though, she didn't want to seriously hurt her.

"I'll see you around," Anne breathed when they pulled away.

Then within a split second, Anne had disappeared together with the dead body.

It took Cathy multiple minutes to regain her consciousness fully and pick up the scarf the vampire had left.

Cathy swiped a finger over her lip only to see some of her own blood.

She sighed and checked if this woman had stolen anything from her. She hadn't, but there was blood stained paper with a little 'Anne Boleyn :>' and a number in her pocket.

"Jesus Christ.." Cathy muttered, "what the hell just happened..."


"How was your walk?" Catalina asked her, the second the front door closed, "did anything interesting happen?"

Cathy got a glass of water to wash out the blood, "no..." she poorly attempted to lie.

"I somehow have trouble believing that," Catalina grinned, "did you meet someone?"

Cathy froze, blooded water was in her mouth and she didn't know if she should spit it into the kitchen sink and have Catalina see, or swallow it, which wasn't necessarily a thing she ever wanted to do either.

Cathy decided to just risk it and spat the water in the sink.

"Is that.. blood?"

Cathy nodded, "my lip was just bleeding for a while."

Catalina frowned and cupped Cathy's head, "did you fall? Or were there.. mean people outside?"

The younger could only shake her head in embarrassment and push off Catalina's hand, "no, I met someone. And we.. well, we kissed.. a lot."

Catalina laughed, "I certainly wasn't expecting that! Tell me everything!"

Cathy awkwardly agreed and made up a story that still covered the details about asking directions and alleys, but not murder.

And that proved itself less easy as expected.


(Someone's gotta teach me how to end chapters.)

Six the Musical Oneshots (Not Given Up On, Just On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now