Chapter 6 - Magical Adventures

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This was it! Izuku was finally old enough to set out on an adventure of his own! Of course his mother was worried for him. He was a boy born in a land of magic without any of his own. All he had was his sword and his wits to guide him. Not a lot, if he was being honest, but it was all he had going for him. Being an adventurer was all he ever wanted to be, and now that dream was about to come true. Now he could follow that little voice inside his head that told him to go, to run, to move. That feeling inside that told him there was more out there, waiting for him.

Katsuki had a similar feeling, but he had no way of leaving this dump his tribe called home. These wild and dangerous mountains, full of snow and with a lack of good fertile ground and animals to hunt. Life sucked this high up, but he'd never known anything else. Besides, he had nothing to complain about, not really. He was heir to the tribe, a proud and strong warrior. Katsuki lived a life of no regret, always getting what he wanted, either by demanding someone to get it for him or taking it himself. But this feeling... This pull to the valley below... He couldn't ignore it, not forever.

So when a dragon showed up, Katsuki wasted no time in subjecting it. It was no easy feat, mind you. He wrestled and bled. But he'd heard stories of warriors long past that rode these giant red beasts into battle, that used them to fly across the realm, rule entire kingdoms... Having a dragon at your disposal meant having infinite fire power. And to Katsuki, it would mean his ticket out of this place.

"You're mine," Katsuki hissed, holding his knife to the scales of the dragon as he held his head in a tight grip, making sure the dragon could see him. "Mine. Understand, dragon?"

They let out a puff of smoke, probably all they could manage at the time, and Katsuki pushed his blade closer to their skin as a response.

"Mine," Katsuki hissed, again. "You'd do good by submitting yourself to me, lest you want to loose your fucking head."

The dragon didn't struggle against him after that, making Katsuki grin with pride. Yes. Yes! He'd tamed this wild beast! This dragon was his now! His grip loosened up a little bit and the dragon instantly turned their roles around, pushing the barbarian boy to the ground and tossing away his weapon. While he did so, the shape-shifted into his more human form, pinning down his captor underneath him.

"I don't belong to anyone," Kirishima hissed, his wings spreading, making him seem bigger than he actually was. "You are strong. You beat me. But I do not belong to you."

"...Didn't know dragons had human forms," Katsuki stated. Maybe this was a half-dragon? But then again, how would that work..?

"You live sheltered, far away from the rest of the realm. I bet there's a lot you don't know about," Kirishima hummed. He only came here to stretch his wings, to test how high he could go, test his strength. Maybe hunt a little, too, but it seemed like there wasn't a lot of good prey around here. The fact he bumped into a human of all things was already a surprise, let alone one that attacked him without a shred of doubt. This really was one weird corner of the earth...

"Show it to me, then," Katsuki demanded.

"What?" Kirishima asked.

"The realm," Katsuki clarified. "Show it to me."

Kirishima frowned. He didn't understand what he meant by those words or where it was coming from all of the sudden. One moment he tried to make him his slave, the next he wanted to do him a favor. This human really was something else...


"What why? Just show it to me!" Katsuki snapped.

"Why would I take you with me?" Kirishima asked.

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