Chapter 3 - Crushes and Feelings

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"Midoriya, I don't think you realize just how unique these readings are."

Dr. Mills had held him back when the rest of the class left after the simulation was over. He was kinda grateful for it, since it meant he could avoid Kacchan for a little longer. Thinking back on what happened in the digital dreamworld was just so embarrassing! Luckily that wasn't the part of the simulation Dr. Mills was interested in. No, the fact the vestiges had made themselves known in such a way was...unpredictable. Izuku didn't know it was possible, neither did the vestiges themselves. That didn't mean they didn't make the most of it though...

"Your brain activity was off the charts! All their thoughts and mental processing went through you! I've never seen anything like it," she gushed. "To think your past lives could actually manifest in a digital environment!"

"They're, uhm, not my past lives, exactly," Izuku said. Yeah, the world knew about One For All, knew about the quirks Izuku inherited from other users. But that didn't mean there weren't any miscommunications or misinterpretations, like now. "They're past holders of my quirk."

"But their minds are preserved within you, correct?" Mills asked.

"Partly, yes."

"And since your mind was transported into the virtual reality, theirs must've been transported with it."


"Oh! This is so exciting!" Dr. Mills squealed. "I'm so sorry, I just can't contain my enthusiasm! You have to understand that this is way more than I expected of this experiment and I-"

"No, I, uh, I get it," Izuku smiled. "They- The, uhm, the vestiges, they've been- Well, they're excited too. They haven't shut up about it."

It was true, their thoughts and memories of the fake world were barreling through him. That and the ghost hadn't left his side since he took off the VR headset. They were lingering, watching, listening, as if wanting to make sure this wasn't a one time thing.

"Really?" Mills gasped. "Can you talk with them right now? Outside of your dreams?"

"Oh yeah, they can hear you too, if you want to talk to them," Izuku added, knowing she probably wanted to ask questions about the data she received and the footage she was able to see during the test.

"Okay, great, because I wanted to ask them to manifest again in the next test," Mills said. "It'll be a team up exercise, you see, and your teacher is worried about the fact there won't be adult supervision and all that stuff since it could be dangerous and blablabla, a load of nonsense. Anyway, if they're willing to supervise it would probably put him at ease. The paperwork is going to be a disaster since they're, you know, dead people- Is that offensive? They know they're dead, right?"

"Yes, they- You don't have to worry about that, they don't mind," Izuku smiled, waving it off. "But wait, you want them supervising? Like...teachers?"

"No, no, no, no! They don't need to teach you anything!" Mills assured. "They just need to watch the groups from a distance and make sure everything runs smoothly. Only intervene when necessary."

"We can do that." Yoichi told him.

"Ask her if we can use our quirks in this one," Nana said. They could, apparently. And since there would be five groups in total, some of the vestiges would be paired up together. Second quickly volunteered to group with Yoichi, not so surprising with their past. Nana and Daigoro wanted to team up too, but Izuku quickly shut that down. Those two were too chaotic together. So instead, Daigoro would be teaming up with Hikage, his predecessor. Sure, it wouldn't be for another few days, but Izuku could tell the vestiges were happy and excited.

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