"Yes, I don't know what to think, Y/n is just so happy, but she never looked happy in her baby photos." Said Izuku as he remembered all of Y/n's baby photos provided by her parents, she looked so bored and always never do such dangerous things.

But now this baby is just asking for something to hit her in the face and she's just. So. Crazy.

Bakugo sat Y/n down, only for her to crawl away, Bakugo dragged her back, only for her to do it again.

Y/n huffed as she flailed her arms.


"What in the actual fuck is wrong with all of you?" Said Rian as he looked pissed as hell as the friend group looked away.

"Y/n wanted to go and she turned into an infant, so I gave her off to that disciple of All might." Said Scarlett, Rian looked at her in growing rage.

"Do you know what would happen if Axel heard?! Now he's going to kill Y/n!! Don't you know Axel's nature?! He doesn't care whether his target if man, woman, both, old or even young, he kills with no hesitation!!!" Yelled Rian as he grabbed Scarlett by the throat and lifted her up while she choked.

Rian instantly dropped her, Lydia had wide eyes in a serious stare while she held Atlas and Isla behind her defensively.

"R-rian....... I know that, b-but that's why.......... To get him in a t-trap....." Gasped Scarlett as she held her throat, coughing.

Rian only looked at her with narrow eyes.

"Then why do the risk? What if Y/n dies?" Said Rian.

"That's the thing Rian, she would never die, not if they have a say in it, even Y/n doesn't know, you know how she is, she may be super observant.......

But the truth is she's really dense when it comes to obvious things..............

Such. As. Obsessions."

Y/n was playing a staring contest at Endeavor when Todoroki brought her home.

"That's L/n?" Said Endeavor as Y/n giggled when the hero picked her up with one hand.

"Aww! A baby! Are you babysitting Shoto?" Asked Fuyumi when she saw Y/n smiling, slobbering on a cracker.

"I'm not sitting on her? Why would I do that?" Said Shoto as he raised a brow.

Fuyumi had a blank stare, wondering why shoto didn't understand.

Fuyumi hold Y/n and she quickly felt happy holding y/n.

Fuyumi left with Y/n holding her.


"Aaaaah......" gasped Axel as he looked at the heart monitor, failed...... again.

He released his medical tool and cleaned his bloodied hands.

Seems like his clone was unstable during the initial testing process, but no matter he will try again.

"Sir, the libration army and the league is on the move, and Shigiraki's coordinates are unknown. And other news...." Said a woman.

"Spit it out, you know I have no time for such." Said Axel.

"It's L/n, her physical and mental growth has.... Decreased...." Said the woman.

Axel stopped, he chuckled a bit before laughing hysterically, before the woman was stabbed in the eye by a flaming feather.

Axel's Quirk: Phoenix's Wrath

Info: he can be reborn if there is any dna left of him except for his ashes, only hair or organs and bones. He can grow feathers and throw them like daggers! He can even turn into a beast.

He touched her and she instantly turned into a pile of dust with hints of flames.

"I'll go see for myself, and soon we'll see who's the one who will be in the dust." Said Axel as he smiled with a sadistic grin.


Y/n blinked at Natsuo as he held her, Natsuo placed her on a baby chair, she put her hands on the table, blowing raspberries.

Fuyumi put a rubber bowl with apple sauce near Y/n, she scoop some with a rubber spoon and imitated an airplane's noise as the spoon made circular motions near Y/n's drooling lips.

Y/n put look wide eyed as she leaned in and opened her mouth before chomping down on the spoon and eating the apple sauce.

Fuyumi baby talked to Y/n while the others were just watching Fuyumi acting like a true mom.

"Baaaa!" Babbled Y/n as she opened and closed her hands before she put her face on the rubber bowl.


Y/n's head was lifted revealing a load of apple sauce all over her face, her hands now smearing it all over an area of the table.

After Fuyumi cleaned her up she was put to sleep, Y/n was now asleep near Shoto in her crib.

Soon enough a looming figure entered Shoto's room, Axel had arrived, with a confident smile he quietly looked at the small baby, taking her away and putting an end to her will be quick-

Axel felt a hand on his shoulder he looked back to see a pair of electric blue eyes glaring down at him.

"Who do you think you are?" Growled Dabi as Y/n slept.

Axel could kill dabi easily but with this noise, shoto and endeavor would destroy him, so Axel did the most reasonable thing to do.

"Don't try and threaten me fucko." Said Dabi as he grabbed Y/n and held her close as Axel tried and reach out to Y/n.

"You don't know what forces you are messing with, I would kill you if we were in a more appropriate place." Said Axel.

"Ah, wrong, I would kill you. I know you are just a sad pathetic little boy who can't have the balls to pull off a simple kill." Said Dabi as Y/n was mumbling.

Axel looked crossed before letting go of his fist.

"Fine. I have no wish to die again duller than the last Dabi, or should I say Toya Todoroki, faked his death on accident and left your little siblings all alone." Said Axel smiling at Toya's expression before leaving with a huff.

Dabi only looked down to see Y/n whimpered by the cold air, Dabi smiled before putting her on his chest, warming it up and saw Y/n calming down.

"You don't deserve a such a fucked up life like this." Muttered Dabi before walking away with her in arms.



Here's our favorite Cult leader, feel free to feel conflicted!

Here's our favorite Cult leader, feel free to feel conflicted!

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