Sir this is a Pizza hut-

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Y/n opened her eyes to see a bedroom, it was chilling to see, it was almost like it was modeled after her bedroom, almost like an identical version.

Y/n looked at herself, chains on her ankles and wrists. Then she heard the door opening, Shigiraki.

"T-tenko? Is that you?" Asked Y/n, knowing the answer, pretending to be shocked.

"So you do recognize me? That makes this all the better Y/n." Said Shigiraki as he got closer and Y/n closed her eyes before feeling Shigiraki's body against hers, in a small cuddle?

Y/n suddenly made the observation, Shigiraki likes to be the big spoon.

"I like that you aren't freaking out and acting like a fool." Said Shigiraki as he placed his head on Y/n's shoulder.

"Tomura, Bakugo is waking up." Said Kurogiri before leaving.

"I have to work now, don't go anywhere, because....." Said Shigiraki as he turned to a corner, Y/n looked to see two nomus, one thin and spider like, one big and muscular, but not like the one in the Usj incident.

Shigiraki gave a quick peck before leaving.

Bullshit I'm leaving

Y/n looked at the Nomus in the corner and began messing with the chains a little before meeting a fist gripping her neck, tight but not tight enough to choke her.

Y/n raised her hands away from the chains and the nomu let go but the thin one crawled over and touched her face, y/n was confused until she felt sleepy and got knocked out.



"You think giving her a warning would stop her..." Said Shigiraki as he was about to give Bakugo a proposition.

"When am I going to get a turn and cut her?" Pouted Toga playfully.

"No!!!" Said Shigiraki and Dabi.

"Nope not gonna happen!! Let's see the blood floooow~!!" Said Twice.


Y/n looked at her surroundings after she quickly woke up, she couldn't use her quirk because of the chains and these nomu were watching her every move.

She heard arguing, but if she had a chance she was going to take it, she saw a sharp piece of wood and quickly stabbed herself in the stomach, not to kill herself but enough to probably alert the Nomu.

She winced from the pain and she saw the bleeding and Nomu were too late, the began to roar or scream out, alerting the villains.

"Didn't think she would actually do it- Tch!" Said Shigiraki as he heard the Nomu's roars.

"Ooo~! I call her blood!" Said Toga.

"Hell no! I call dibs first!!" Said Twice and he ran upstairs after Shigiraki and Dabi, Toga happily skipped along.

Shigiraki opened the door and Y/n was laying down covered in her own blood, seemingly not even moving.

Shigiraki and the others quickly unbind her, but that proved to be a mistake when Y/n instantly opened her eyes when she felt the last chain off and quickly hurled herself out of the room and closed the door, and ran down.

"Y/n-?!" Said Bakugo as he saw her in her own blood but she cut him off.

No time Bakugo!!!!" Said Y/n as she knocked out spinner, and currently fighting big sister magne and Mr. Compress.

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