This is a Cult on Craigslist?

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Dabi blinked in surprise, how did she connect the dots that quickly? He slithered his arm and pulled her in closely to his chest, his piercing blue eyes looking at hers.

"My my, the little hero figured it out, what is it that you want make it quick I have a shift to take." Said Dabi.

"The deal is, I can give you something you want while I get your help on the inside." Said Y/n, Dabi smirked as he heard the terms.

"So anything I want? What would happen if I wanted something more interesting? Hmm?" Asked Dabi as his hand squeezed the inside of her thigh, Y/n sighed, knowing how Dabi can be, she nodded.

"Look Dabi, all I want is to hunt down the man you burned, you know Axel? From the summer camp disaster?" Said Y/n, Dabi's eyes grew narrow in thought.

"Hmmm, mainly that fucko had an obsession with becoming immortal, I should know because he was muttering theories and bullcrap about the human body and how to stop its 'corrosion'. Guy acted like he was god and demanded everyone to listen, surprised crusty didn't get pissed." Said Dabi.

"His location? Did he mention any places?" Said Y/n as she grabbed Dabi's arm and took it away from her thigh.

"He did mention a few places, mainly restaurants and music studios.... But he did have a keen interest in a particular location, a remote location." Said Dabi.

"What is it Dabi? I know that smart ass smirk when I see one." Said Y/n.

"I could tell you, for a little something." Said Dabi as he grinned evilly.

"Fine, do whatever bu-!!?" Said Y/n only to cut off by Dabi who grabbed her neck and pinned her up against the stone wall and bit into her neck, sucking on the skin.

Y/n only looked like she wanted to die.

'Why does this happen to me?! I rather eat 10 plates of fast food than this!' Thought Y/n as she heard Dabi's chuckling as he nibbled on her ear before pecking her cheek.

"I've never felt better like that before." Said Dabi was he leaned in grinning smugly as Y/n looked at him with a blank face.

"Fuck you too, now give me the location." Said Y/n, Dabi chuckled again.

"I lied, he does actually have his secret base in a remote location, but I can't say because of a contract, and I wanted to use this as a chance to finally see that look on your face." Said Dabi as he smiled sadistically.

Y/n looked pissed off, but she did have to admit, she was outsmarted by Dabi, he was Todoroki after all.

"Aww don't make that face, I know something that can make you feel better." Said Dabi as he leaned in closer and forcefully putting his tongue into Y/n's mouth as his body was up against hers.

Y/n gasped and choked after the hot make out session while Dabi was happily looking at her in a sadistic way.



Y/n couldn't get in the way of the timeline, she knew that Best Jeanist would get kidnapped by Hawks and now izuku have to go to endeavor, but now that Sir Nighteye isn't dead..........

"Y/n! Time for training!" Said Isla excitingly as Lydia was chewing a wad of watermelon mixed with strawberry gum.

Rian was now the main boss, easily he beaten everyone with his quirk and agility.

"Do you know why I've won?" Asked Rian.

"Because you cheated?" Said Isla while Atlas was laying face flat on the floor like he was a meme.

"Because of concentration and the knowledge of your quirk, Y/n! You for example, I beaten you easily because I was fully aware of your quirks capabilities and your weakness, and that weakness is guilt of the past and you don't rely on your quirk much, that is your problem, you hesitated, you are afraid of change of style, like clinging to old memories." Said Rian harshly, Y/n's eyes widened a bit.

"Isla! You talk too much. Scarlett, you don't depend on others, rather you make them leave so you can have it all. Lydia you are too focused on protecting yourself than others! And Atlas, you don't even try and you're afraid you are going to offend the villain before you!" Said Rian, Isla made an O face, offended, Lydia made a resting bitch face glaring, Scarlett nodded accepting her weakness like a badass, Atlas looked like he was little boy who is afraid he did a grave mistake.

Rian clicked his tongue, his eyes narrowed, the group knew of his success of his career, before he was just like hawks, an outgoing person who knew and dealt with people's emotions, but on the inside was cold and calculative, but one fault, his pride.

But now he was like an unwavering mountain, a weapon, or maybe even be an ultimate weapon.

Y/n saw his talons clicking against the cold floors and they turned away and taking a few steps away from the group before one talon clicked on a button, a table suddenly appearing.

"The liberation army, and the League of villains, had Isla track their leaders down and slip tiny tracking devices into their body parts." Said Rian as he pulled out a tiny bead no more than the size of a pill.

"Wow, you really kept tabs on 'em." Said Y/n as she saw all of the villains and even Kurogiri.

"Yes, it's best that we stay prepared for the worst possible outcome, which is why, we decided on project observation." Said Rian.

Y/n continued on with her group of friends, but then distasteful memories began to bubble up, like poison smoke finally surrounding her, but she ignored her feelings and continued her day.


Christmas past and so did New Years, and soon enough Y/n was preparing to leave to finally return to Izuku and the others so she could train him for the battle ahead.

That is until.......

"We actually did it................ We actually fuck up....... I'm getting my lawyers." Said Lydia when Y/n's clothes were on the floor, nothing but her clothes and a lump.

"Oh my god, oh, OHHH NO-" Said Isla.

Atlas turned away and walked away like he was late for an appointment with god.

Rian wasn't present, he was at a meeting.

Scarlett looked at the lump and saw it move, she carefully took away the clothes to see a baby that didn't have any teeth, who looked extremely cute and happy, like an incarnation of joy.

Scarlett knew what she have to do...


"This is Y/n?!!?" Screamed Midoriya when he saw a baby y/n all dressed in a baby pink baby clothes with a cute little giggling smile.

Fun Fact!:

Y/n, despite being a detective in her past life, she was actually a very social girl and a very happy baby when she was little.

The Detective (Yan! Mha Boys x Fem! Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt