Hello Baby!

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"I can confirm this is Ms. L/n, she seemed to be hit by an age and mental quirk, unsure about how long before it wears off." Said a doctor, Izuku was amazed and shocked, Y/n was holding onto him like a baby koala.

Y/n babbled some random baby shit before smiling and laughing at Izuku's facial expression.

"Oh my lawd!!! Our baby has returned! Literally." Said F/n as he saw a baby Y/n in a baby sling with Izuku.

"Aww she was never this social like this!" Said M/n, Y/n was laughing.

After a while, Izuku brought baby Y/n over and there she was sitting on Nezu's lap wearing a cute little beanie and some gloves so her tiny little fingers and toes don't get hurt.

"What an adorable smile you have." Said Nezu, Y/n smiled her chubby face looked so soft.

Y/n was set down on the hallway of Class 1-a, Y/n crawled quickly hearing the sound of Izuku's voice and Nezu following.

"That's Y/n?!" Said the entire class as Nezu held a giggling and cheerful baby in.

"This little cutie is actually apart of our lesson! Caring for the tots!" Said Midnight as y/n was trying to grabbed the baby cracker with her gloved hand only for it to slip from her hand, she looked distraught at her lost snack and began to swell up with tears before letting out a loud wail.

"H-hey! C'mon! Please calm down???" Said Kaminari, Y/n's wails only grew, Denki quickly pass her off to Jiro who was trying her best, only to pass it off to Mina.

Mina made Y/n laugh hard, Aoyama made her cry, Asui calmed her down because of her experience with her younger sis. Hagakure made Y/n confused, making her touch her face. Tenya tried to calm Y/n down but made it worse somehow. Koji was skipped because he was instantly afraid, mineta was skipped aswell because Y/n cried harder.

Sero made some weird face and baby talked to Y/n, she stopped crying and giggled, Momo was stroking Y/n's back and gave her a sizable Russian nesting doll.

Poor Ojiro having a baby hanging from his tail like it was a jungle gym and having to take her away, made Y/n cry. Sato cheered Y/n with a small sugary snack, Y/n leaned in and opened her mouth before sato put the small snack into her mouth, she screamed in delight or from the sugar rush.

Shogi dealt with the cries by his quirk, Y/n was happily playing with the amount of hands.

Tokoyami already stopped the crying with dark shadow's cheeriness. Ochaco did an old trick that her parents used to do when she cried, pacifier, Y/n was calmed down when Ochaco put it on.

Kirishima did a fantastic job at calming Y/n down, he swung Y/n around and threw her up in the air, Y/n laughed soon after.

Bakugo looked at Y/n with a blank face before putting her near his chest and rocking her until she got calm.

Midoriya was talking to Y/n and showed Y/n his hair, Y/n tried to grab fistfuls of hair only for them to slip away, Y/n flailed around at her failure only for her to do the next thing, putting her mouth on his hair and trying to eat it, Midoriya instantly pulled her away as she tried to bite the hair.

Todoroki was confused and almost dropped Y/n multiple times by her flailing.


Y/n was now in a stroller, babbling and giggling, All Might and the others teachers were in a shock.

"This is Y/n? She's more....... Vibrant." Said All Might as Y/n was crawling around and fell face flat only to get back up and act like she wasn't hurt.

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