Checking for Moves

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Y/n heard from All Might about the dorms and Y/n was currently babysitting Sora because now he was becoming a bitch and began wanting Y/n. And well........

"MAMA!!!" Cried Sora as Y/n was about to leave to U.A.


A few minutes later Y/n arrived to U.A carrying her nephew, she informed Nezu about the situation and Nezu approved of bringing Sora.

Nezu was waiting and Y/n gave him Sora who wanted to be held by Y/n, Nezu put him to sleep quickly after calming him down.

Y/n was arrived at the place where 1-a was training for their ultimate moves, and Izuku saved All might from Bakugo's boulder.

"Look alive, slugger." Said Y/n as she bonk Izuku on the head.

"Y-Y/n! Oh it's Sora." Said Izuku as Sora was wearing a cute little blue onesie.

"Babababawha-hhhff!!*" babbled Sora as he put his mittened hand in his mouth.

"He looks happy to see you, here hold him (I'm just saying that so that baby is your responsibility.)." Said/Thought Y/n as she passed the baby to Izuku and Izuku would've had him if it wasn't for the girls snatching him away.

"Awww what a cutie!!!" Squealed Mina as Sora was closing and opening his mouth, making popping noises.

"It's 1-b's turn, Eraser." Said Vlad King.

Sora wiggled out of Mina's grasp, but when that didn't work he blow a full blown tantrum causing Mina to accidentally drop him but thankfully Y/n caught him using her quirk.

"What did I say about being a brat?" Said Y/n as Sora blew raspberries at her, but that's when she saw monoma motioning him to copy his actions, she slapped him right in the face.

"If you dare taint this little kid, I'll make sure to do more than making you get on your knees." Said Y/n as she grabbed a fistful of his hair giving him a frightening sadistic grin.

Monoma backed off.


Sora was continuing to make popping noises with his mouth and Y/n couldn't help but notice him looking kinda like Bakugo in a way with his chestnut hair and red eyes.

Y/n put Sora's face right next to Bakugo's who was confused as hell until Y/n made him hold Sora.

Bakugo was quiet was Sora looked at him, Sora stuck out his tongue a little, making Bakugo look wide eyed, Sora giggled.

Sora began reaching out for Bakugo's hair, he pulled it harshly, and Bakugo yelled at him.

"Let go of my hair you bastard!!!" Yelled Bakugo, Sora only laughed, seems like yelling makes him laugh.

"Kacchan!! That's not very nice! Here you have to hold him, not let him dangle from your hair!" Said Izuku as he grabbed Sora, Sora was making the popping noises again.

Sora then did the same to Izuku, Izuku was chill with it and Sora blew raspberries at him while continuing to pull his hair.

Y/n got Sora and Sora didn't pull her hair, even when Y/n offered to, little bastard.

"How come he doesn't do it to me?" Said Y/n as Sora was making an 'o' face and clapped his hands quickly and terribly.

Sora then tilted his face and snuggled up Y/n's chest, opening his mouth and trying to find something.

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