No action without consequences

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Present day..........

Y/n L/n

Age: 18-19

Quirk: Stami-shift!

Info: her quirk can do anything! And when her quirk appears, (f/c) cracks appear on her skin, she could make it steam or fall like liquid! She could also use her quirk to give a booster or take stamina away from her opponents! Her consequence with her quirk? Overusing it leads to instant need of sleep and weaker resistance if fighting. Another consequence? Yup! Makes her forgetful of her actions 7 or more hours ago! But don't worry she'll remember her actions if reminded or in a situation that makes her remember!


Y/n looked at U.A, her first day, and introductions to heroes, she trained herself and her new quirk, but she felt....... Afraid? Maybe first school jitters.

Y/n took a deep breath before going into the building and putting on her id badge.

"And introducing our newest staff member, the one that caused ruckus over the last few years, L/n." Said Nezu as Y/n walked in, she had the same frown she wore for the last 2 years, her frown is iconic and infamous because it caused so much of controversy over it, even when meeting the symbol of peace, but all might's efforts weren't in vain, he received a little smile but as soon as he saw it for a few seconds it returned back into a frown.

"So this is the new staff member we hear so much praise about, kinda cute~" Said Midnight with a playful smirk, Y/n knew of the R-rated hero, the same hero that wore that revealing outfit. Y/n still grimaced whenever she remembered it.

After meeting with them, Nezu was talking to her about how good she was and how well she met with them, Y/n couldn't help but feel like Nezu was talking to a child on their first day of school rather than talking to an 18 year old that's on their way to be an adult.

Y/n only shrugged it off, thinking that Nezu was only acting like it because it was her first time becoming a staff member in a school.

But for the rest of the day or should she say week, Nezu didn't change the way he spoke to Y/n, rather accompanying her like an overprotective father.

Y/n knew that Izuku was training with All might after the Sludge incident, but that didn't mean she met someone new during that time.

A few months ago.....

Y/n looked at the incident from afar, the top of a building that was not too far but not too close, Y/n held up her detective notes and wrote down the situation in her own secret language that was a mix of numbers, dots, and lines.

That is until she accidentally dropped it, Y/n's eyes widened when she saw a few red feathers going after it.

"Number 3 Hero, Hawks, mind explaining why you are preforming such a deed?" Asked Y/n as Hawks appeared, holding her notepad with a smile.

"I wouldn't want a civilian's item to be stolen or lost, besides you looked like you need company." Said Hawks as he gave Y/n her notepad.

"Do you know who I am?" Asked Y/n as she inspected her notepad.

"Hmmm....... Maybe~? Probably an introduction would be nice, I would probably remember." Said Hawks as he lied obviously, but that confused Y/n, was he lying or not, if he was then he wouldn't even show it but if he isn't lying then that's probably a resting idiotic face. But in the end she took it as lying but she still entertained his little game.

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