"Fuck off, asshole." He rubbed his cheek before grabbing her and kissing her hard. She shoved him away and balled up her fist and punched him in his nose before storming out of his trailer and heading back to Joe, her mind racing as she thought about what Kiefer had said. She rubbed her hand as she walked into the trailer and saw Joe tying his sneakers. "You ready?"

"Of course. Keery alright?" She nodded.

"He was just worried about you and I." Joe stood up and they headed home to the condo together.

For the next few months, Joe continued working and Y/n kept herself busy doing anything she could to help Joe. Her scenes were done at that point and she was perfectly happy just hanging out and watching Joe work. She mostly stayed at the condo and when Joe wasn't there, she found herself thinking about everything Kiefer had said. Joe was an amazingly gifted actor from what she had seen on set, so she decided to look on streaming services for his past work. She started by watching LES MISERABLES. She grew up enjoying the musical and knew this was masked on the book rather than the musical. Joe was playing Enjolras in the series. She sat on the couch watching him in the show. He was brilliant, of course.

Next, she decided to watch a series called TIME WASTERS

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Next, she decided to watch a series called TIME WASTERS. Joe was only in two episodes but it was more of a comedic role for him so she began the series. His role of Ralph was adorable and she adored him in a less serious part. She even enjoyed the series once Joes character was gone.

Each time she finished a series, her appreciation for Joe and his talent seemed to grow

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Each time she finished a series, her appreciation for Joe and his talent seemed to grow. He would come in from filming, tired but happy to see Y/N. They spent time cooking, watching movies, sometimes Y/N would lay her head in Joe's lap while he read to her from different books. Things were pretty peaceful for the most part. When the last day of filming came, the entire cast reunited for a last party before everyone would pack up to leave and start doing press for the new season. The first part would release in the next few weeks and then the second part would release at the end of May in 2022 and then the second part in July. Since it was September of 2021, that meant about 9 months of press as well as 9 months that Y/n would have to wait to see what was going to happen in the season. She spent the last week of filming packing up the condo, Joe had already packed his condo up and was basically staying with her so that made everything a lot easier. But she got sad packing thinking about what would happen with her and Ioe once filming was over. They hadn't really talked about what would happen next. She had also finally started watching Koe in DICKENSIAN. He had told her it was a bigger part for him and he felt like she'd really enjoy to series. He knew she was a lover of Charles Dickens works and that she'd find this quite interesting as far as the story. When the last filming day for Joe came, it was a night shoot, so she grabbed a blanket to watch the final episode wrapped up on the couch. Arthur had easily become he favorite of Joe's characters. His tragic, lost soul along with his anger and sadness broke Y/N's.

An Old-Fashioned Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن