pt 1

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Richie created a group chat.

Richie set the name to 'the gays of derry'

Richie added Beverly Marsh to the group chat.

Richie added Ben Hanscom to the group chat.

Richie added Eddie Kaspbrack to the group chat.

Richie added Stanley Uris to the group chat.

Richie added Bill Denbrough to the group chat.

Richie added Mike Hanlon to the group chat.

Richie: hey bitches

Beverly: oh finally someone made this

Stanley: Oh no. What have you done, Richie?

Richie: stfu hater </3

Eddie: What the fuck is the group chat name, and just why..

Richie: wait wait wait

Richie changed Eddie's name to Eds.
Richie changed Beverly's name to Bevilian the great.
Richie changed Stanley's name to Entitled bird stalker.

Entitled bird stalker: I'm not entitled, you little shit.

Bevilian the great: get over it and let him do his thing

Richie changed Mike's name to Mickie mouse.
Richie changed Ben's name to Tittlers.
Richie changed Bill's name to McFucking stutter a lot.

McFucking stutter a lot: Fuck you, Richie

Richie: thats eddies moms job, sorry

Richie changed Richie's name to The gay bsf.

The gay bsf: much better

Eds: I agree with Stan, fuck you

The gay bsf: anytime ;)

Eds: You're disgusting.

The gay bsf: you know you love it, eddsie-poo

Eds: never fucking say that again.

The gay bsf: i didn't say it, i typed it dumbass

Bevilian the great: love how this gc already themed into an eddie and richie arguing match

McFucking stutters a lot: You mean flirting match

Eds: Ugh gross, no.

The gay bsf: you wound me

Eds: cry about it.

Mickie mouse: someone's grumpy-

The gay bsf: i wonder who?

Eds: stfu im leaving

Bevilian the great: GOODNIGHTTTT

The gay bsf: goodnight my sweet, dearest, loved, cutest, most beautiful eds, don't dream of me too much

Eds: If I could flip you off over text, you know I fuckinf woulx.

Tittlers: Oh wow, he's so mad that his grammar sucks

Entitled bird stalker: Fucking would.*

Eds: Fuck you all, especially Richie

The gay bsf: now im crying

the losers group chatWhere stories live. Discover now