Chapter 1

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A brown lizard slowly crawls up the other side of the window glass. Pete watches it with disgust.

Why are these cold creepies chasing me everywhere?

The little creature falls, never reaching the top. Frowning, Pete turns to the wall. His head is still a little dizzy. The image of that hissing pack rises before his eyes... But then... what happened? How did he end up — according to Dad — at the door of his own house? He doesn't remember anything. From the moment when the snakes were a couple of meters away from him until yesterday's short talk with the senior omega — a complete oblivion.

Almost complete.

The cold that has been haunting him for a month was clearly felt on his skin yesterday.

Pete has no idea how he got home. But he is sure of one thing: someone helped him.

Tomorrow we will have a special guest.

What else did his parents come up with? If this is another attempt to get him off their neck or rather, to dump the ballast in the form of such a barren as he is... Pete is convinced that the idea is doomed to failure. Personally, he has long since come to terms with everything. And yet ... If he hadn't had that deseaee as a teenager, if he hadn't heard the fatal diagnosis for omega — what could his life be like in the future? A lot of his classmates have been engaged for a long time and are already thinking about how they will establish a family life after marriage. And Pete is going to find a job, hire even the cheapest housing, and finally stop being a burden to his parents.

Neither a handsome son-in-law, nor grandchildren, and, in fact, he will not please them with anything. All his academic successes and hobbies were always a running line for them.

"Are you awake?" his happy dad appears on the threshold with a tray, "then wash up and have breakfast. And yes, dress up nicely today. No stretched teen T-shirts and jeans, okay?"

Pete takes a sitting position:

"Good morning... Uh... I could have come down for breakfast myself. Thanks, dad."

"No problem. I hope you heard me."

Pete nods. Okay. There is no point in arguing. Half an hour of humiliation, and for several months I can forget about the ridiculous and meaningless visits of my potential grooms.

It's okay. There are advantages in my life too. No periods, cloying smells and lascivious glances of alphas. Betas live like this all their lives and do not lose heart. And I will live. There are a lot of useful things in the world to which you can devote yourself and your time. Well, and the fact that there will be no child? It doesn't matter. If there is no kid, I will get a kitten. And I will take care of a little fluffy creature.

Today is the day off, and Pete would have rushed out of the house with a skate under his arm a long time ago, but an important guest has to show up for dinner. Pete puts on classic trousers and a loose white shirt. A couple of times he goes through the hair with a brush. And now he's waiting to be called.

Three voices are heard from below. Judging by the stranger — a middle-aged alpha.

Just don't care.  It's all useless. So I don't have to worry, even if he's a hundred years old.

Dad's overly affectionate voice. With a sigh, Pete heads into the living room.

Uh... again?

A chill on the skin. Soon it reaches the tips of the fingers and toes. Pete has a strange feeling, like his heart is itching.

Their guest is standing with his back, talking to Pete's father. Thick and curly, graphite-colored shoulder-length hair. With average height — very strong shoulders, the muscles of the arms are clearly discernible under the dark fabric of the jacket. Seeing him, the father smiles and gestures to the guest to greet his son.

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