Chapter 4:First Impressions

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Chapter 4: First Impressions


When Thalia waltzed into my life. I knew my life was going to get a tad interesting and my life was kinda interesting.

The teachers and the students-mostly the teachers could not stop talking and gossiping about the dirty and disturbing rumours that surrounded the new student. It didn't bother me at all that the fact that my grade got a new student. It was really rare especially for us the most troublesome class in a school for kids with issues. The teachers couldn't stand us and the others looked down on us.

I was a ninth grader.

We are all just stupid.

I was sitting at the back row next the window doing some origami and totally minded my business. I leaned forward and built a paper plane as they discussed in hush whispers as the thin speckled kid was watching me with judgement.

"Mind your business, dude." He spat as I rolled my eyes and shot daggers at him .He sighed heavily and returned to study his grade eleven math equations that swam around the pages.

"Really, kind of hypocritcal. You practically hang out at the Teachers' lounge and told us about it." Then we had a staring contest. His amplified eyes stared at through his round lens of his glasses that creeped the hell at of me. I knew I shouldn't be playing around with this kid as much as he was smart. He had anger issues and could hack things for fun even though he was shrimp looking and tall. After our fight he huffed and poked his nose back that heavy textbook built like a brick.

The girls huddled their tables and chat the hell away and whereas my best friend was Sasha, a tall athletic girl with long blonde hair and a rebellious streak, was gazing out the window and patiently waiting for the morning bell for assembly.

The new kid was one: An art prodigy, two: Dirty rumours about how many guys she gets, Three: That she's younger than some of us.

It didn't sound but if it got the teachers talkin' it was bad. I closed my eyes and tried to picture her but it didn't come great if she was in our school she did something. Everyone here was here because they did something but I was here because I had behavioural issues so I got sponsored –does not mean I'm smart. I'm as intelligent as a rock and because the fees were out of this world. Never mind, I was kinda being dramatic but I live in a small apartment so here.

Sasha wasn't having it. She advised me never to believe rumours till you actually meet the person but every rumour had some truth to it. But girl's had ways of dramatize things anyway.

She looks like a dude.

She may be Trans.

She invites dudes to study.

They get traumatised.

"I heard we're getting a new student," Ali, the thin Pakistani dude with round glasses announced while he stood at the door.

"A new student?" One of the girls echoed excitedly as she looked around.

"Yep. I heard she's an Art Prodigy. She can draw real well like a professional. "He beamed, obviously glad not the only smartass-I meant Genius in our glass of dumb but unstable rocks. He grinned, exposing his crooked teeth, "And the fact she hangs out with a lot of dudes and gives them nightmares for years." He ended then everyone surprise and excitement melted to confusion and shock.

"The what?"

"It sounds way dirtier at the Teacher's longue."

"So she pulls more guys than you."


A week had passed, I kept my eyes peeled for a new student but I could be really dumb anyway. I went to a private school which was completely modern apart from the whiteboards. Everyone's heard the phrase that kids can be cruel to a whole new level since everyone here is not good by parent's standards. There were rich kids, special teens and normal kids. My school was a secondary school which ran from grade 9 to grade 12.

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