Insidious Imposter.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Poppy Playtime (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song if I put one in.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Based on the theory of chapter 2 where the Poppy doll the player rescues at the end isn't the real one.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

She had been trapped in these webs for so long.


They stuck to her limbs, aged with time and dried up to the point where they clung and she couldn't even flex her fingers. Mommy trapping her in here for simply walking onto her territory awoke a memory the doll didn't even know existed.

"Listen, I'm going to need you to trust me-...AGGGGGHHHH-"

An elongated arm raising in the air, snatching up her predecessor and dragging her through the darkness and into her arms. They had around five minutes before the human bothered to arrive.

"Poppy, my little one! You really thought we were going to let you go? He hates seeing his siblings rebel against him."

Mommy chided her with false sweetness. Underneath the charm was a threat of worse imprisonment than the cage case she had been placed in. Sleeping within her body and unable to her body. She had been awake all along. Everybody simply throwing that she had received the royal treatment.

None of them knew the real truth.

The doll gasped as the headache struck once again. It was as if something was trying to prevent her from receiving these memories. Pretty impossible considering they were all connected with one mind. It meant her mistress other counterpart was reaching out and trying to communicate.


Due to recent events, she never bothered with false hope of hearing another voice. A piece of paper was attached to the web entangling her limbs. Some kind of code for the human daring to enter Mommy's domain. The shrieks and yelling of Mommy on one of her tantrums really struck out. She would probably punish Bunzo and the rest of the toys. She never bothered to learn their names. What would be the point of you were never going to meet?


It may have sounded heartless, but in her situation, you'd develop a stone heart as well. The toys used the name for when someone gave into their inner demons and walked around the factory determined to kill either themselves or others unlucky enough to get in their way. As the humans said, it was a shit show.

I need to get out of here.

She couldn't tell if her thoughts were mixing with hers. Her predecessor. The perfect experiment as the people in the white coats described Poppy. More perfect than the rest which were chucked away and sold as cheap. She was kept with a few dolls to be tested for further improvements on the brand and toy-line. It irked her mind just to even think of that plasticky, fake persona. At least she and the other expressed themselves. The mascots fooled everybody. Even the humans. And thanks to their performance, they were killed as a result of their blind trust and foolish naivety.


Her voice echoed through the Game station. Mommy sounded like she was in pain. Not ready to receive the consequences of her actions. Even trapped in here, the little doll knew of Huggy's untimely demise. She felt sorry for the mascot. He had only been following his protocol. The human just happened to beat him at his own game. Mommy chased down the human and lost at hide and seek.

Poppy Playtime: Oneshots/Short-storiesWhere stories live. Discover now