Dancing On Your Lonesome.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Poppy Playtime (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song if I put one in.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

He had been created to entertain the kids. The others told him to call them the children, but constant misbehaving and his irritation towards them made him call them kids for a specific reasons. Children didn't behave like demons wanting to claim his soul.

Even if he didn't have one, clawing at his chest, scratching his screen face, tearing out his body parts and avoiding the consequences is what caused him to not consider them proper entities. They were possessed, like they were literal demons. Terrifying. Intimidating.

'I don't like them.'

And Boogie was created for these demons. Against his better judgement, he kept performing day after day, repeating the same routine so his creators were satisfied with his performance. With Candy Cat by his side, they both ensured things ran smoothly and there weren't any further incident. Sometimes she managed to sneak away from the kids and confer with Boogie in private. Her tail wrapped around his claw in a gesture they'd seen the other use to comfort each other in a moment of negativity.

"Are you okay?"

Boogie never spoke like a normal toy. Candy and a few others were the only ones who didn't find it disturbing. He took a second before responding in his strange language.

"...Beep Booop Bop Boop! (Yeah, fine! The music is a little kiddie for my taste!)..."

Candy gave him a deadpan look.

"We literally entertain children."

"...Bop bop Beep...(You know what I mean..)"

Candy giggled, her paw covering her mouth. Then she looked back at the party and spotted a person in a white coat. Holding a clipboard in her hands, foot tapping the floor, folded arms, and staring at them expectantly. They knew the signs and nodded to each in secret. Candy's tail squeezed his claw before letting go. She went back to the children, leaving Boogie on his own.

He secretly missed her presence already.



"Play a song!"


Sighing to himself, the robot rolled onto the runway with the DJ setup. He hated this part of the performance. His claws tilted the tune and pressed the buttons, then the song started playing. He went into his automatic self. Another part of Boogie took over whilst he retreated into his mind. His digital eyes now glowing grey. And Candy spotted this result away. She recognised his anxiety. How ironic really. A robot made to entertain too afraid to even roll one step. He'd been programmed with this and none of them knew why.

"It helps the children learn."

What did that even mean?

The robot watched through his own screen as his body shouted somethings and it was good if the the children were smiling. He had found an ability to put himself into a mode where he would handle this by the book. A stream of code controlled his actions. He didn't mind if it got him away from these demons. None of the creators knew of his little secret. So it was okay. He was happy. The children were happy with him. And his creators were satisfied. Everything would be alright.

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