Fees, Who Gives It? (13)

Start from the beginning

Abhi: [taken aback] Avneet he is muttering in sleep!

Avu: But he did it!

Abhi: No! He can't lie while sleeping!

They noticed Siddharth was being more and more restless! He grabbed the bedsheets!

Abhi: Avneetay go to him! He isn't okay!

Avu: [tears welled up in her eyes] Hmmmm...

Avneet rushed to Siddharth... She took his head on her lap and caressed her hands over his forehead and head....

Avu: [leaned over him] Sidd relax! Relax! I'm here only! With you! Nothing will happen!

Sid: [mutter continues] I don't know what you are taking about! I don't know!

Abhi: [sighed] Ohh poor boy! He seems to be very scared by your words!

Avu: Yeah I think I shouldn't have scold him this much! But he really forgot?

Abhi: Seems like! As he can't tell lie atleast while sleeping!

Avu: [caresses him] Baby! Please calm down! I won't scold you anymore! Please!

But suddenly starts breathing more unevenly! He clutched his heart!

Abhi: Hey Avneet! He is having some problem! He is not breathing properly!!

Avu: [patted his cheeks] Sidd?? What happened?? Why are you squirming like this??

Avneet noticed he is clutching his heart!

Avu: [scared] Sidd? Are you having chest pain?

Avneet removed his hands and rubbed his chest... Siddharth grabbed her dress tightly....

Abhi: Avneetay!!!! He is gasping for air!! Ohh God!!!! Let me open the windows!!

Abhishek opened the windows and quickly called a doctor!

The doctor came and settled Siddharth on a bed with an oxygen mask and saline...

Abhi: Doctor what happened to him?

Doc: Seems like very suddenly he became too much panicked and scared!

Avu: He will be fine right?

Doc: Yes yes of course!

Avu: And chest pain?

Doc: No need to worry!!! It was happening just of that sudden excitement! He is not strong enough to bear it!!

The doctor left!

Avu: How will he be strong? [Burts into tears] For being strong one has to eat!!

Abhi: Ohh Avneetay!!! Don't cry like this!!

Avu: Dada you know he didn't eat anything the whole day! And in hostel he also doesn't eats well!! I made soup in the noon but he didn't eat! And see now he is lying with oxygen mask and saline!!

Abhi: [huggs her and soothes her] Avneetay! Don't cry like this dear! He will be fine!

[After sometime> It was about 9:00 am]

Abhishek and Avneet was sitting beside Siddharth.. Abhishek caressed Siddharth...

Abhi: Get well soon little boy!

Avu: Awww you look cute with him dada!

Abhi: Hahha really?? Avneetay you know, if I tell you the truth, then the day when i met him, I felt a connection with him! Like he is my own brother! From that day I really loved him!

Avu: Hmmm he is so cute! Anyone could love him easily!

Abhi: Yeah! BTW Avneet who is Siddharth's parents? You never told me!

Avu: He told me they died when he was small! After that he was seased by fear so I didn't ask him further!

Abhi: Then his fees are given by his relatives?

Avu: Fees?

Abhi: Yeah college fees! He reads in college! His fees?

Avu: [taken aback] Hey I never thought about that!!!! I really don't know who gives his fees!!! And I remember he told me that he has no relation with his relatives!!

Abhi: Then who gives his fees!?

Hey sweet peoples, hope you liked this chapter!!! Let's see what will happen next]

Did Siddharth really forget what he did?

Is Siddharth really so innocent?

Whose voices were echoing in his ears?

Who gives the fees of Siddharth's college?

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