Scary (10)

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Avneet was shocked to hear the scream! She understood that it was Siddharth's scream! She knocked the door more hard!

Avu: [scared and desperate] Siddharth! Siddharth! Open the door!! I'm Avneet! What happened? Open the door!!

Everyone came out from their room in the corridor!

Students: [surprised] She is from CID right? Why is she here? What happened?

Sm1: Ma'am you are from CID! Right? Why are you here?

Avu: [looked] Open this door anyway!!!

Sm2: How will we Open? What's this?

Avu: Siddharth screamed! I'm breaking this door!

Sm3: Ma'am you can't do this!

Buy before saying anything else Avneet shooted the knob of the door and it broke! Everyone was looking in a surprised look!

Avneet rushed inside the room and saw Siddharth was sitting on his bed holding his knees and crying like anything!

Avu: Baby!! What happened? Oh God!

Avneet went to him and hugged him tightly! Siddharth hugged her back and sobbed.

Sid: [mumbled] Snake... there's a snake...

Avu: [looked around] Snake? What? Where is Snake? What are you telling? Where is Snake?

Siddharth grabbed Avneet tightly! Avneet then suddenly noticed Siddharth's phone falling in the corner!

Avu: Baby you threw the mobile?

Avneet tried to came out of his grip but Siddharth didn't let her!

Avu: Let me bring the mobile!

Sid: [desperate and scared] No! No! Don't bring it! Don't bring it! Snake! Snake!

Avu: Baby... where is snake?

Sid: [clutches his head] I am feeling scared!

Avu: Okay come with me! You want some water? Oh I can't understand what to do!?

Avneet grabbed Siddharth and somehow brought him in the corridor but suddenly Siddharth fainted in her arms..

Avu: [screamed] Siddharth!?!?!? What's happening to you?

Crowd: What's happening? What happened to this guy suddenly?

Avneet checked his heart rate and found it slow.. She was quite panicked.. She called up Abhishek...

Avu: Hello! Hello! Please come here!

Abhi: Avneet? What happened? Why are you so panicked?

Avu: I'll tell you later! Please come soon! Please! I beg you!

Abhi: Okay okay calm down Avneetay! Tell me where to come?

Avu: SKM College!

Abhishek came there with in half an hour! He saw the crowd and thought What's fishy inside! He entered through the crowd and finally reached Avneet! He was shocked! He saw Avneet was sitting in the corridor with Siddharth in her lap and Avneet was rubbing his hands!

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