Chapter 48

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Jasmin took a deep breath before stepping into the hatchery. Immediately, a wave of anxiety, worry, fright, and uncomfortableness washed over her. Her scales turned a shade of lime green and gray, and she couldn't stamp out the colors.

"Don't worry," Moon whispered reassuringly. "It'll be fine."

"It's very amusing to see an ultra-deadly assassin being scared of small spaces," Winter smirked slightly. "When she's very small herself."

"Don't annoy me or make me mad," Jasmin growled. "Because when I'm claustrophobic, I tend to kill dragons. I might kill a dragon right now. Actually, maybe two dragons. Arrgh."

"Ookay," Qibli scooted away from her slightly. "Great."

About twelve small dragonets were playing roughly near the middle of the stuffy hatchery. They were all black, but as the dragons had stepped inside, nine of them became delighted shades of colors. 

"Wow! So glittery!" One squealed, bouncing up to Winter.

"Look! I can do that!" Another shouted, and scrunched his forehead up in concentration. Soon, he became a shade of crystal-blue. Almost the same as the IceWing.

"Hmm," Kinkajou looked intensely at Winter, then turned to the dragonet. "It's great, but try to make your horns like his spikes."

Soon, the dragonet's horns shifted around, and soon, he looked like a smaller version of Winter.

"Ooh!" A third dragonet trotted up to Qibli. He made a face at her, and she made one back. A shimmer of colors sparkled onto her scales, and the dragonet turned the same sandy color as the SandWing, complete with darker scales freckling her snout and a scar zig-zagging across it.

"Are you okay?" Moon asked Jasmin. The hybrid had curled up in a tight ball of scarlet and lime, wings covering her body.

"What do you think?" She snarled. "No."

"We should try to escape," Winter came up to the two of them. "So get up."

She reluctantly uncurled herself and stood up. "How?"

"I know!" Kinkajou turned to the dragonets. "Okay, everyone! We're gonna play hide-and-seek! You need to find us after counting to one thousand. Obviously, I'll win, because I'm a RainWing."

A waterfall of colors waved dramatically onto her wings. The baby dragons all cooed in approval. They covered their eyes, and started shouting out random numbers.

"One! Five! Twenty three!" They yelled. 

"I forgot," Kinkajou ran to a corner. "RainWings can't count. We need to be quick."

"Forty five!" The dragonets shouted. "A hundred twenty eight! Two hundred!"

"Pretty quick," Jasmin noted wryly.

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