Chapter 4

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Mirage. Jasmin- no, Mirage- liked her new name. She had already gotten her welcome scroll, a winglet- Jade Winglet- and a cave to go to. The Rainwing-Sandwing walked through the stone halls to get to her cave. Mirage had expected the hallways to be dark and narrow, but they were filled with light and warmth, far more comfortable than she had expected.

"Where is this sleeping ca- Oh, here it is," Mirage muttered to herself. She entered the cave. It was bigger than she expected, with a scroll rack in the corner. She passed the rack and saw four nests of different kinds. One was a soft moss nest, another was a hammock, the next was a rock ledge, and the last was a circle of soft, warm gold sand. 

Mirage headed to the sand nest, and curled up in the warmth. It was comfortable, better than than the vine hammocks that just made her cold. That was why she sneaked out at night, curling up under the sand and sleeping in the other kingdom.

"Hi, clawmates!" A familiar voice burst Mirage's sleep. "I'm Kinkajou! What are your names?" Mirage groaned inwardly. Kinkajou was her clawmate? She and the others would never get any rest with her bouncing around annoying them like a fly.

"I'm Moonwatcher, but just Moon is fine," A soft voice interrupted her thoughts. Mirage pushed away her past memories and turned her head to find a Nightwing near the scroll rack.

was her

Mirage remembered the time they kidnapped the Rainwings, testing and experimenting on them, torturing them. Coyote had told her all about the tunnel that led to the secret Nightwing kingdom; the volcano. 

Kinkajou seemed to remember this, since she was one of the Rainwings that were captured, because her ruff became slightly orange. Moon flinched as though something invisible hit her across the face. 

Mirage was not going to share a cave with a nasty, bragging Nightwing. Not after what they did to Coyote. She could still remember that day, clear as glass. She pushed away the memory. 

It hurted way too much.

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