Chapter 28

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"Sora?" Mirage blinked, then ran to where Moon had went. She had turned a corner and landed in a cave.

"She's so quiet, there's no way- Sora-" Qibli looked startled. Moon flung out of the cave with Umber on her tail.

"There!" Mirage pointed at them. Kinkajou, Qibli, and Mirage raced after them, and into a bigger cave. Sora was near a leaf window, prepared to jump out.

"I'm sorry, Umber!" She cried. "But I couldn't let her live!"

"Why, Sora?" Umber asked, voice cracking.

"It was her! Icicle! She killed Crane!" Sora looked devastated. 

"There's no way to prove it. It could be your memory playing tricks on you," He said desperately.

"No, I checked the battle frontlines, and she was there! I was right! She killed Crane!" Sora wailed. Moon was looking far off, then she shook her head, coming back to the scene.

"Sora, go out of this window, and fly far away. Go to the Mudwing kingdom, and don't come back. Icicle's coming to kill you next," She ordered. Sora nodded, and prepared to jump out.

"Moon, be careful. Icicle's dangerous. She talks about killing even in her sleep," She warned. "On the first day, she said, 'Killing is easy enough.'. You can't trust her."

"Go!" Qibli shouted, pushing her through the window. Umber followed his sister.

"Thanks," He mumbled, then took off. Just then, Moon winced, holding her head again.

"It's Icicle!" She cried. "She's going to kill the Dragonets!"

"Which one?" Kinkajou asked. "She'd probably start with the weakest."

"Sunny?" Qibli guessed. Moon shook her head. "Sunny isn't easy to kill."

Mirage figured it out before any of the others. 

"Starflight!" She shouted. "She's going to kill Starflight!"

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