"Immortals?" Aerie said, "There's thousands of them?"

"Because there's only three in your world doesn't mean only three ever existed, Miss Kudrow."

"Then you have to tell me everything, Winter." Aerie said simply. "That's a lot of information here- and- maybe you're right. Not a lot of people would believe your story."

"I know." Winter said, and rolled his sleeves up as it was now soaked in tears, making his waists wet and he was uncomfortable with it. "I suppose you know about either Cole or Rinne, right?"

"Yeah yeah. Kind of." Aerie replied. "It's not about them- is it?"

"No." Winter said, annoyed. "They had been a mess enough already, how would they accidentally bump into another world?"

Aerie noticed how there was a green circle on his hand, fixing tight onto his left hand. He didn't seemed bothered by it, but by the looks of it Aerie decided that it couldn't be taken off really easily.

"Your waist." Aerie mumbled. "Is that what's been bothering you?" She said it in such a small whisper that even she could not hear clearly. But it was still enough for him to hear. Which he stopped, started at her and mumbled back, "you could see it?"

"Why? Am I supposed to?"

"Yeah." He said, "Only the people who belonged to that world- my world could see it. It's the mark of being owned lawfully by someone else. You're not supposed to- at least I don't suppose they'll get a job in your world."

"You're making things up- aren't you? I never heard of a world like yours. Why are you covering your waist if nobody could see it? That doesn't make sense."

"It doesn't, really." Winter replied, "But would you want to wander around with chains hanging around your hand if you're a prisoner breaking free from prison? You don't, right? Well- I would feel ashamed for that."

"Oh." Aerie said. "I'm sorry."

"You're- sorry?" Winter said. He wasn't harsh or something. He only looked as if he was surprised, surprised by the fact that the conversation turned out to be happening this way. "That- it's okay, I suppose?"

"How can I help you then?" Aerie asked. "If there's anything I could do."

"There none." Winter replied simply.

Aerie chuckled. "You must be thinking of something when you screamed the moment just now. What was it? Don't tell me otherwise, you had it written on your face."

"It's- it's just-" Winter started. "It's just- it'll risk your life too. It's a small possibility that someone would believe in my story. The chances of them risking their lives for someone stranger like me is even smaller. Not to say, can't find help from authorities. They won't help- they can't help."

"Why?" Aerie said. "About the part that I would risk my life."

"There's been one case that i have seen someone like me breaking free- getting freedom from their masters." Winter started. "It's hard- betting a life for a life."

"How?" Aerie continued to ask, looking at him, "what have you seen?"

"It's a game. A gamble." Winter mumbled word by word,  making sure she heard. "And only with gambling."

"Uh huh?" Aerie said. "I'll follow you."

"What-" Winter said, yelling out the word, "No that's not what you do! You can't help- what do you expect, winning a lottery first try? It's not possible, Miss Kudrow. You're playing with your life!"

"Honestly, I'm pretty bored with my life now, so let's see how yours go." Aerie replied.

"You don't mean-" Winter said. One moment his eyes were wide as he was trying to accept the truth. The other, something sparked inside his eyes and it changed. Smaller, less wide, and fille with animosity. "You don't mean that you're saving him."

"Who?" Aerie said, frowning. He looked as if he just switched an identity just now. "The child. Get out of our business."

Aerie blinked once. Twice. This was not the child who was yelling and opening up a moment just now. The boy in front of him was fierce, and talking with little to no emotions.

He was someone else.

"Now if you allow me, I'll leave." Winter said. "Better stay at where you are, nurse. It could not be your problem. If you follow you'll know."

"Hey-, wait. Winter-" Aerie said. He did not reply. He grabbed the medical box on the table and pushed the door open. "Don't try to follow, it'll be a waste of your time."

It was a threat, telling Aerie Kudrow to follow. She wants stp stop him from leaving, but she knew that she could not. He was controlled. By whoever that was inside his mind that moment.

After all, Aerie Kudrow decided that she could take a few days off from work, deal with whatever this child had to do with.

Immortals, heh?

Aerie pulled her shirt off her, and walked along the corridor behind him, keeping a distance. She kept telling herself that Winter- the actual child- would be wanting her to do so. And what could be the consequences anyways? She was so close to death before.

Aerie followed.

Aerie walked after the child named Winter.

It was when the two of them ran into one of the back allies behind an industrial building where she got lost of him. There were bins. A lot of them. In fact, trash were also pouring from them, stinking the air around her. But there was one thing.

Winter disappeared. In a dead end.

Aerie breathed. Now every step she made was cautious and aware of anything that could possibly happen around her.

And when her hand touched the wall behind her, the world changed.

*・゜゚・*:....:*' To be continued :)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

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