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"ARGHHH!" Dante screamed as he ran into Laurance who was in the shower. Let's be honest here, Dante had had his headphones in and hadn't realised that anyone was inside. He also wasn't paying attention. 

Laurance held back the curtain to only reveal his wet head of hair. Dante ran out and slammed the door behind him. 

"Dante! Seriously!? You gave me a heart attack!" Laurance yelled from inside the bathroom. 

As you may know, not all the bedrooms provide ensuites, so those who don't share a bathroom share some around the second level. And there are three bathrooms. 

Anyway, Dante being oblivious, hadn't noticed someone was using the shower. In his defence, Laurance hadn't locked it. Not that that wasn't Dante's problem. 

As Laurance was finishing up, the bluenette was washing his hand and Laurance was starting to hop out. He ran back in once he saw his roommate. And, you can only presume the rest from there. From then on, Dante asked Kim and Garroth if he could use their bathroom so it wouldn't happen again. This time, Dante would knock before entering. 

Late that night, Laurance got back at Dante. Slowly, yet cautiously, the brunette crawled out of bed at four in the morning, he grabbed out a permanent marker from his duffle. bug. With a loud bang, Laurance stubbed his toe and froze in case he'd woken up Dante, busting his plans. Yet, he hadn't, only receiving a loud snore. 

Even though it was so early, the only person he could guarantee would be awake was Lucinda or Kim, pulling an-all nighter, so he wasn't too worried. Laurance used the Sharpie to draw ponies, hearts, sparkles and flowers on Dante's face. 

Dante found out late the next day, and it was a good thing he knew how to get it off - with help from Google. 

The next prank was founded by Kim and Ghost, who was trying to wake up Garroth after he'd fallen asleep on an outdoor couch on the back patio. Ghost had an idea and with permission, took control setting up her simple plan. All it included were ice cubes, water and a bucket. 

Kim and Ghost distorted themselves to appoint it together, waking Garroth up who yelped in surprise as the freezing cubes pricked his skin. 

Next, was Aaron, who victimised Zane. After Zane had left with Nana that morning, Aaron slipped into their room, and opened up Zane's suitcase, falling into the possession of his masks. Aaron swapped out Zane's plain, dark masks and replaced them with pink ones, complete with My Little Horsies, unicorns and flowers. 

When Zane found out, let's say that furious was an understatement. Although, Nana found them adorable. Zane made Aaron give them back. 

Katelyn, being Katelyn has always been one to perfectly assemble pranks and get away with it. With Dante, Katelyn added blue hair dye that she used to lighten her hair and put a large amount of it into Travis' conditioner. The next morning, Travis only figured it out after blowdrying his hair and coming downstairs that Kasey commented on it. Although he'd reassured him that it looked good, the dye only came out a week later. 

The next pranks were for Nana and Remmi. Occasionally, Kasey would sleep beside Remmi, while Tatiana would retreat to Vylad's room. Nothing too out of the ordinary. 

Zane and Nana shared a room right from the beginning, so Zane and Kasey thought it was only right to frighten them. That day before, they separately bought The Scream Halloween masks, waking up their partners' to scare them. 

As usual, Nana had woken up and turned to face Zane and screamed as she saw the mask. 

Remmi knew better. She woke up as Kasey turned and she immediately pulled it off, without hesitation. "Nice try, bubby," she said kissing him, then trying it on herself. Instead, Kasey, (who was somehow half asleep) saw her and screamed himself. 

In return, Remmi and Tatiana teamed up and printed hundreds of images of their boyfriends' and stuck it all over their bedroom walls. Let's just say they were not at all impressed. 

Katelyn re-did her hair dye prank with Garroth, dying his hair turquoise. Luckily, it washed out. 

Next was Aaron and Zane's joke to Aphmau, as the girls went out (to spy on another one of Kasey and Remmi's dates, obviously) they hung up every one of her stuffed toys was hung against the wall from pins. Including, Woof. 

With washable red paint, splattered across the wall to create a gory setting, finishing it off with glow-in-the-dark highlights. Once Aphmau had changed into her pyjamas and hopped in bed, across the room Aaron was brushing his teeth. She screamed at the window with its curtains drawn, seeing her stuffed animals hung up. 

With a laugh, Aaron spat out his toothpaste and observed his and Zane's gory masterpiece from afar. "It's a bloody joke!" Aaron called.

"Can't you see that I know it's a bloody joke!?" Aphmau shrieked. "It's red paint!"

The next was Cadenza not paying attention as to what was in front of her. She'd run into cling wrap put up behind her bedroom's doorway to see Lucinda waving on her bed. 

Cadenza got back at her by changing Lucinda's makeup to dyes and foods like jelly and icing sugar. 

Laurance fell victim to having his white clothing turn pink. Although, it was his fault because he'd put in his red flannel top in the warm washing machine. Not a prank, just Laurance being an idiot. 

Remmi's prank was only out of annoyance. I guess it wasn't her fault that she let out the airhorn blare at Tati when she was howling after Remmi was trying to sleep. Remmi got in trouble with everyone because of that. 

Somehow, Aphmau changed everyone's alarm clocks to nine past seven each morning to the tone of sirens, scaring them all early in the morning. 

The next one was Kasey and Vylad's fault when they'd left out their marbles on the ground, where Travis and Donate slipped on them, brushing their tail bones. 

Melissa then put slime into everyone's shoes which didn't go down so well. 

The final prank was left by Aaron, Katelyn and Aphmau for Zane and KC. They'd left love hearts all over their bedroom to get a reaction out of them. Instead, they didn't mind until Zane found Katelyn and Aphmau's Zane~Chan shipping shrine. 

To get back at each other, they all had a serious nerf gun/light sabre fight, assigned into teams that turned into a free-for-all. 

this dragged on for hours. you can see in my writing I was in no mood for this. :(

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