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this is actually based on a HIMYM episode when marshall and lily were stuck in the bathroom together. i've had this idea for months now and here you are. <3

"Hey Nana, what're y--" Zane said, as Nana jumped out from her hiding spot and covered Zane's mouth with her tail. 

"Ssh," She hissed as politely as she could, making Zane look towards where she was referring to. 

The rest of the crew had initially gone to check out the huge sakura orchard, but seeing as Nana and Zane had already seen the orchard, they stayed behind, as did Vylad and Tatiana. 

The youngest Ro'Meave and his girlfriend used the silence to have a heated make-out session on the couch without interruptions. 

Zane gave the scene a double take and Nana pushed herself and Zane into the bathroom that was (unfortunately) right next to the sitting room. 

"Why can't we just shove 'em into a bedroom and spend our afternoon in peace?" Zane complained as she shut the bathroom door. 

"No! I mean... we could, but then they'd know we were there. And their performance is an exceptionally heated make-out session but I don't wanna wreck it!" Nana whisper-shouted, making Zane lean back on the sink. 

Nana leaned against the door and sighed. "Okay, I'm starting to think that spying from the bathroom wasn't exactly the best idea..."

"No shit," Zane remarked, pulling out his phone and unlocking it. 

The meif~wa slit open the door enough so she could peer through and glanced at the pair. "Aren't they adorable?" She asked.

"No, no, they're not," Zane mumbled, cringing his face at the sight. 

"Oh, come on, Vylad's your brother. You should be happy for him. He's not travelling anymore, he's seeing a girl and back on the street." 

"I actually don't care."

Nana rolled her eyes and sat down on the edge of the bath. "He's in a bad mood," Nana mumbled under her breath, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Even though you can't hear yourself, I'm still able to and, oh, I don't really appreciate what you said... Oh hey look, Aph posted something on her Instagram. They all took a selfie with the sakura in the background."

"Ooh! Lemme see!" Nana perked up as Zane turned over his phone to show her. She grinned and pointed out that Travlyn was kissing Katelyn's cheek, while Kasey and Remmi's cheeks were pressed together. 

As Zane regained the phone, Nana stole another glimpse at the making out couple on the couch, as did Zane. 

The girl's smile faded as she realised something. "Zane?"


"I need to go to the toilet."

Zane put his phone away, "How much of that strawberry milk did you have?"

"About two thirds of a cup?"

The male meif~wa ran a hand through his hair and sighed, "Great."

"Blame the pregnancy. I-I don't think I'm comfortable with you in the room as I pee," Nana whispered, "Hormones. Blame 'em. They're the reason I have such a short bladder," She whined.

"We've known each other for... twenty-nine years, I think... yeah, we can do this, right?"

"Could you look away?"

"I guess."

Two two were stuck in there for another twenty minutes quickly brushing off that Nana peed while Zane was in the room, as he turned away. 

By then, Vylad and Tatiana had finally left the room to continue their session upstairs. While When Nana checked the couple were going upstairs, Zane practically pushed her out immediately. 

"What are you doing?" She protested.

"I need to pee, get out." 

Nana huffed in frustration, and shrugged before sitting on the couch, claiming the remote and scrolling through Netflix. Nana heard the toilet flush, as well as the sound of running water, then Zane came to join her on the couch, sitting beside her. 

He wrapped an arm around her waist and used his finger to lift her chin. "Hey there beautiful."

"Hmm, not so bad yourself." 

Immediately it was like their lips were sewn together, melting into a breathless carress. The touch deepened and tongues made their entrance. 

For some reason, right at that moment Vylad walked past the two, a cringe splattered across his face. "Get a room, lovebirds."

Nana and Zane broke apart, bit their lips, giving the brunette unasumed looks, as he left. Once he was out of sight, they went to right back where they left off. 


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