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The three most unliked individuals around Mystreet were known to be Ein, Michi and most recently, Kai. Sure, not many of them knew Kai but changed their opinions when they heard that he was a part of Ein and Michi's rebellious facade.

Especially when they heard that Aaron's birthday cake had been tapped to their advantage. No one likes a sore loser. 

Since then, Ein, Michi and Kai kept in contact with one another, getting ready to retaliate. As soon as they found out that the infamous groups were making YouTube videos at the resort, they could only have expected the group to they were to attend Tokyo's grand convention. 

As the main group of friends had left their hotel to visit more sites that Tokyo had to offer, Wednesday sufficed to provide an opportunity. 

In the main lobby of the hotel, Michi, Kai and Ein blended in with the crowd to watch them without suspicion. 

Predictably, Zane had a gut feeling that something was wrong. He wasn't physic, but his gut was always right. After a lousy cut and stumble as Kai hid, Zane's suspicions were only confirmed. 

They were being followed, but, by who? Why? Zane had considered it to be those crazy fangirls like the ones he'd dealt with after going viral because of Aphmau, but, this was different. These people, no matter who they were or how many were there, didn't want them to know who they were. 

His gut feeling only rose as he watched someone walking through the crowd oddly similar to Michi. Except, this girl looked less optimistic, she looked as if she were stressing over something, she didn't look confident, but more worried and nervous.

Zane's thoughts crumbled to pieces when he was intervened by Nana who tried to ask if he was okay. His usual response was to mumble a 'yeah, I'm okay, don't worry about it.'

Because Zane was running things through his mind like a honeybee, Nana felt uneasy. There was nothing she could do to change his mind, instead she let him know she was there and tried to move on as well as she could. 

When they walked back from a bakery, Nana had had enough and pulled Zane into a somewhat dark alley. 

"Zane! What's going on? You've been ignoring me and our friends for almost the whole day. It's not healthy. Zane, we tell each other everything. Please, come clean with me, I promise we'll work through it, whatever it is, as well as we can. ...Did I do something wrong? If so, I can't fix it, Zane-"

Zane interrupted by covering the girl's mouth with his hand. "You did nothing wrong, Nana, trust me. We're fine, but if we're being honest..." His tone came to a hush. "I think we're being followed."

"Followed? Are you sure? By who?" Nana asked quickly, speaking loud enough that Zane had to quieten her down. 

"That's what I've been trying to figure out. I have a hunch but I'm still not sure. I can't prove it."

Suddenly, yet silently, a figure ran up to Nana and lifted her up with a hand to her throat. Another pushed Zane against the wall. Two more silhouettes emerged from the shadows, hiding themselves in the dim light. 

The person holding up Nana wore a hood, a black mask and dark clothing, who she couldn't recognise. Before Zane could react to the situation, the man pushed him harder, restraining him from moving to help Nana. He struggled, but somehow, the figure was strong. 

All he could do was watch. 

Nana felt as if her life was slipping out of her grasp, as she tried to choke through the difficulty to breathe against the hand that cut it off from her vocal cords. She kicked, she tried to fight through, gasping for air. But, it all stopped when she studied the face who was responsible for holding her up from the ground. 

She looked around and saw five different people, two of which were meif~wa, as the rest were simply human. One holding herself and Zane each, whilst the other three stood back to observe.

All she could recognise from the man in front of her was the soft, now hardened, teal eyes, staring back at her as she struggled to breathe. The eyes she'd fallen over a crush with all those years ago. The guy she knew wouldn't hurt a fly, something was wrong. 

"R-Reese?" She gasped.

"Well, well, well, Alley Cat, doesn't this seem like the perfect place to up, don't you think?" The middle shadow between the two meif~wa spoke up. 

Nana could almost swear she heard the smirk rise through the dark. Her fangs cut through and her cat-like features stood on end. All she could do was growl. She knew who he was, and she wasn't happy about it. 

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