Karina ignored his blabbering and followed her mate's scent. Half-way along the walk, Luca disappeared from beside her. In the distance she saw her mate's small but elegant office. Before she could even near it, she heard a voice much like Ivy's speak.

"...she's way better than her. I don't even understand you."

She heard her mate sigh.

"I won't tolerate any of this next time, mark my words. You are dismissed."

The door to his office opened and out came Ivy looking pissed. Her nose stuck up in the air and turned to where she stood. She flashed her a smirk before walking away.

Something important, huh? Was she the one Matteo referred to as what kept her mate busy?

Her lips emitted a growl.

The wolf inside her was surprisingly clawing out for the first time, wanting to destroy whatever was hindering their bond. But first, she needed to talk to Grey.

She stomped her way to the front and was about to knock when the mahogany door opened. In one swift move, Grey pulled her in and had her pinned against the wall. Both her arms were behind her in his hold and her ass pressed against his crotch.

"Took you awhile. I was waiting for you, little mate," he whispered in her ear and felt her shiver.

"Let go of me," she tried to break free of his grip but failed, "Are you deaf? Let go!"

He groaned and pressed his member closer to her ass. There was something so sexy about his mate when she's mad but he couldn't point it out. Was it the way she bit her full lips in annoyance? The way her eyes held fierce flames that promised consequences? Or because of the reappearance of her long black hair?

"Fuck, baby. Resisting me like that turns me on."

"Yeah, that's how rapists think. Let me go," she forcefully pulled away.

Andrin chuckled darkly and released her.

Even when mad, his mate had a smart-ass mouth. Having someone to bicker seemed fun to him then but this was Karina. She was different and she always found ways to rile him up sexually and emotionally.

"Ouch, babe. I thought you wanted me," he put a hand on his chest playfully.

"I thought you wanted me too but it seems like you're happily avoiding me and keeping busy with Ivy," her hands turned into fists and her jaw tensed looking at the smirking alpha in front of her.

"Is my darling jealous?" He moved to embrace her but Karina held a finger in front of his face to stop him.

"Are you avoiding me? After pleasuring me for breakfast? Look, I'm sorry I shut you out like that but I was telling the truth when I said I wanted us."

He once again noticed her lips quivered. His little mate wasn't as tough as she projected herself to be. He knew on the inside she was simply any other wolf who gets upset and feels a whole lot of emotions. It made his wolf happy that he could see right through it. The mate bond had its perks.

"Babe, I was just warning her to stay away from you. Goddess knows I'll kill her if she ever lays her claws on you again," he assured her, "And I'm not avoiding you, at least not intentionally. I had to finish signing the alliance contract to be submitted to the council for it to be official."

Her brows relaxed from her frown. His mate wasn't avoiding her after all. He also wasn't fooling around with anyone. She felt ashamed assuming both. So, she did the only thing she could think of to make up for it and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, babe." She whispered, surprising Grey.

He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

"Don't be. Did I tell you that you look beautiful with long hair?" He looked at her blushing, "But you look more confident with the short one. Either way, you're always beautiful."

She did not say anything and instead buried her face on his chest. She inhaled deeply, finding comfort in his scent. Their moment was cut off when Grey pushed her away.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm gonna get blue balls because of you. I need a shower." He chuckled knowing that his mate had sniffed his obvious arousal in the air.

She pursed her lips. Grey had given her the release and pleasure she needed these past few days. It was about time she did the same, right? She locked the door to his office and stared at him.

"What are you doing?" The glint in her eyes made him excited.

"Maybe I can help." She said as she kneeled in front of him, biting her lips.

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