The Drop//Chapter 102

Start from the beginning

"I will! Make sure to get along with the boys and Laki!" He called out with a soft smile, "They're nice, I swear!"

"Thanks for taking us here!!"

"Thanks for everything!!"

"Conis-Chan, take care of yourself, too!!"


Pagaya hurried along the ship with his arms spread out, "Excuse me! You must put away your sail immediately!!!!"

"Hey! Everyone, do as the man said!! We may fly down really fast!!" Usopp ordered out.

"Roger that! It'll probably be like a 7000 meters runaway. Let's move!!"


"Move all the gold inside the cabinet!!"

"On it!!"

Wyper just sat down as he couldn't really do anything as he watched everyone scurry around the ship, "I thought that rubber man was the Captain...?"

Faythe stopped in her track carrying arm full of ropes, "Eh... Depends on the day and moment. At this point we're just trying to survive." She grinned and scurried off leaving the skypiean even more confused about the dynamics of the crew.


The crew stopped their movements to listen to what the hell that call was.

Faythe's eyes widened, "I know that queer call..."

"You do?" Wyper looked baffled.

"CHOH~~~~!!! CHOH~~~!!!"


Then a bird suddenly barreled into Luffy knocking him off the figurehead and face planting into the deck, "CHO-Guh!!!"

"Wh... WHAT THE HELL!?" Usopp shouted at the scene.

Chopper sighed and translated for the South Bird, "He's saying 'Don't forget me here...'"

Wyper frowned at the bird, "It's so small compared to the ones I know off..."

"CHOH-!! CHOH-!!"

"Oh yeah... We took him along with us on our way up..." Nami then glanced down at the Log Pose on her wrist, "All~~ Right... Captain, it looks like the post has locked on to the next island..."

"Okay. This is the start of a brand new adventure!!" Luffy grinned, "Alright Crew... Let's... GO BACK TO THE BLUE SEAS!!!"

Everyone threw up their fists to the sky and shouted in sync, "YEAHHHHHH!!!"


Faythe whipped her head back with wide eyes, "Did she say, 'Fall?'"

Faythe whipped her head back with wide eyes, "Did she say, 'Fall?'"

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