CHAPTER FIVE || pain and confusion

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I woke up in a large, derelict field that looked like it went on for miles.

My head was pounding and I felt like I was being stabbed in middle of my chest.

Looking down and lifting up my shirt, I noticed a large, deep incision, which was very poorly stitched up, going down from the centre of my stomach down to my waist line.

Everything hurt. My body was sore and I couldn't feel my legs.

I scrambled myself to my feet my legs shaking a little bit as I stood I looked around for a house, or just anywhere I could take shelter.

There was nothing. Just grass, everywhere. I tried to think of how I could get hold of someone. How did I even get here in the first place? Why am I covered in cuts and bruises? What even happened to me?

Putting my hands in my pockets, I felt around to see if I could find my phone. After a couple minutes of searching, I managed to find it in the back pocket of my trousers.

I turned it on and started to dial 999.

"Hello, 999, police, ambulance or fire?"

"Umm.. I don't know, police?" I responded

"Okay. What is your emergency?" They replied,

"I've woken up in some sort of field, i can't feel my legs and there's bruises and cuts all over my body. I don't know how I got here."

"Would you like us to track your device?" They said.
(Sorry idk what the people are called🤣)

"Uhhhh, yes please.." I answered.

"Ok, police are now on route and will be with you shortly."

10 minutes later
I was told the police were now a couple minutes away from my location.
I ended up laying down as my body got more and more painful the longer I was stood up.

But the next thing I knew, I was waking up in a large van, surrounded by multiple people with equipment. I bolted up, screaming thinking it was the same people who had held me hostage before.

"Hey, Hey, Calm down! Your in an ambulance. We are here to help you!" One of the paramedics calmly said to me.

At this point I was already crying. Not enough for them to notice but enough to make me tired. I laid back down and closed my eyes, hoping for it all to be over soon..

AUTHORS NOTE: I'm sorry this chapter is so short. But the next one is gonna be a long one so be prepared! Hope your enjoying the story so far, goodnight everyone:)💗

Word count: 439

Forever and Always || Natasha x Y/n ||Where stories live. Discover now