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                                       First day

Author's POV

Y/n was sighing while packing her suitcases to move out with her parents. She was somehow happy but also not because she's going to miss her best friend Maki. In the other hand she can finally escape from her bullies at her old school now.

Y/n closed the suitcase as her mom went to check on her. She peeked at her daughters room „Hey sweetheart. Are you done with packing your stuff? Or do you need any help?" Y/n looked back to her mother and smiled „Oh no mom I just finished packing. Dad can take them to the car." Her mother nod and went to her husband.

„Darling, Y/n's done packing. You can take them down now." she hugged him from behind and he smiled. „Alright will do bubs." He turned around, kissed her forehead and went upstairs to his daughter's room.

He saw the door open and went in. Y/n saw him coming in „Oh dad, my suitcases." she pushed them to him and he took them. „Thank you honey." he smiled and took them downstairs.

They were getting ready to go, Y/n's parents were now waiting in the car while Y/n was still wandering around the apartment. „Wow I'm going to miss it here." she said and pulled out her phone.

She's calling someone.

Calling Maki... beep.. beep..


„Dude where are you? My parents are already in the car waiting for me!"

„I'm sorry I'll be here in a few seconds I swear!"

„Alright just hurry up!"

Call ended.

Maki always came from Y/n's window, so he did it for the last time. He went downstairs where Y/n was standing. He ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

„Ugh I'm going to miss you so much!" he whined and Y/n chuckled. She hugged him obviously back „It's not like we're not going to see each other anymore, don't be so dramatic!" He broke the hug „Yah you're not in the same school as me anymore! I'm going to be sooo sad!" and he snapped.

Y/n rolled her eyes „It's the same for me thus I'm transferring to a NEW school." Maki looked a little worried „If something's up, just call me immediately alright?" Y/n nod and hugged him again.

„Y/n we need to go now!" her dad yelled. She broke the hug and took both of his hands. „Don't worry. I'll take care of myself and try not to be that shy around new people." She smiled at him and he returned the smile with his. „Alright get going now or you're in trouble." Maki ruffled her hair and they bid their goodbyes.

Y/n went out of the apartment and got inside the car. „You've got everything you need sweetheart?" her mom asked and she hummed in response. „Aaalright let's go to our new place!!!" her dad said excited.

Y/n took out her Airpods and listened to the song SHOUT OUT. She hummed along the song and looked out of the window.

An hour passed and they arrived. Y/n got out of the car and stretched her arms „Ahh finally we're here!"
Her dad smiled as he heard her „Are you excited honey?" Y/n forced a smile „I'm actually a little nervous.." Her dad came towards her and hugged her „It's going to be okay. Don't worry about it too much alright? We're there for you if something's the matter!"

Y/n smiled, this time without any force. She's happy to have parents like them. They always care for her and support her. She hugged him tightly back „Okay you're right dad, thank you." He smiled „Okay let's get started!"

I'm so sick of you  [Ni-ki x f!reader] - 니키Where stories live. Discover now