have we? | 06

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『ᴴᵃᵛᵉ ʷᵉ ᵐᵉᵗ ᵇᵉᶠᵒʳᵉ-ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ⁶』

Mikasa stared at the gorgeous figure before her. I mean how could she not stare at him? With him glaring at the menu as if it had done something wrong to have him look like he would destroy an entire country. She'd begun to think that she might've made the wrong decision on going on a date with a mentally ill person.

"Uhm... are you okay? Eren?" Mikasa finally asked after mustering the courage to even open her mouth. She leaned over the table, peaking at what Eren seemed to be so focused on.

"Oh this." Eren turned the menu for Mikasa to see better, he placed his finger on the one food he had been staring at for the past fifteen minutes. Chee-burg.

Mikasa blinked a couple of times, she had gone as far as to wipe them to make sure she hadn't misread this one line. This man—no, this CHILD, in front of her, was pointing to a savory dish that basically qualified as a child's food with sparkling eyes fixated at her. Mikasa couldn't believe herself and found it hard for her to suppress her giggle. She couldn't help but find it a little cute. Keyword: Little.

"What?" Eren asked, tilting his head a little as Mikasa covered her mouth, suppressing her giggle.

"N-Nothing...! S-So you like Chee-burg's?" Mikasa asked, smiling a little.

"Yeah, I like anything with meat." Eren smiled a little, staring back at the dish.

He loves it.

Mikasa's eyes widened, and her body froze stiff. That wasn't her. There was no way it was her. No—she's wrong. It was her but at the same time... it wasn't her. As if someone had possessed, he body and forced her to think it.

Mikasa placed her hand on her head, shaking it gently. I must be going insane... She felt a pair of eyes set over towards her and she looked up, meeting Eren's confused gaze. She recollected herself and smiled reassuringly.

"Let's order some food!" She suggested, picking up the menus on the table.

"There's... none...?" Eren asked, the desperation clear on his tanned face. His hands gripped the menu tightly where crumples had begun to become visible, he was crumpling the poor sheet to compensate for his loss of his favorite dish. Mikasa couldn't help but laugh at the childish behavior that was being displayed from a man she had assumed would be more mature, given the fact that he always had this serious atmosphere around him, aside from the lone wolf vibe he often gave off.

"I mean... we still have ingredients in stock... just the prep needs to be done and you'll need to wait awhile—" Connie nervously scratched his neck as he did his best to explain the case to the customer.

"I'll take it! I'll even pay thrice the amount!" Without so much as hesitating, Eren slammed the menu on the counter with his wallet attached. Determination brimmed his forest green hues and Connie stuttered, a little startled by the man's sudden change in attitude once more.

"Uh... uhm... okay." Connie awkwardly took the menu, gently pushing the wallet back to Eren as he walked away.

Eren grabbed the wallet, the embarrassment getting to him as he put it into his back pocket. He cleared his throat and turned to confront Mikasa who was clutching her stomach. Her cheeks were puffed up as her body trembled, attempting to prevent herself from having a laughing fit at his very childish demeanor.

"...sorry about t-that..." Eren stuttered out, attempting to keep his stoic expression. He averted his gaze from Mikasa's, pretending not see her near laughing state.

"E-Eren yo—you must r-real-ly li—like C-Chee-burgs, huh?" Mikasa placed a hand over her mouth, laughing into it. Her words stifled as she stumbled between words and her breathless laughs. She placed her other hand on a table close-by in order to support herself, shaking it slightly.

Eren only grumbled staring at the table in slight embarrassment. He silently pulled the old, red scarf around his neck close to his face, hiding his flushed faced. Mikasa continued to have her fit when she saw a slight blur of red. She took a glance at him, watching him pull the cloth over his face. Her breathless laughs stopped and her heartbeat against her chest hard to the point that the sound of its beating was the only thing she could hear.

That scarf... old and tattered...

Her nails dug into the palm of her hands as she recalled the red scarf, she had worn the very night she had first met him.

 He has it.

No—that'd be an inaccurate accusation. 

Specifically, he had the other half. Her small red scarf was short, being somehow half the size of what it used to be. How it came to be like that was lost in the depths of her memory.

Her eyes roamed around the delicate fabric. Its dark fabric not having faded even a little bit in its old and decrepit state. The ends were ripped with the strings at the end looking as if they were to fall off at the slightest tug. Its ends almost looked as if it would perfectly fit hers. She looked up at Eren's blushing face.

It reminded her of something.

I'm here.


I beg you, remem—

"Here are your orders."

Mikasa felt herself being pulled back into reality. She wasn't exactly sure what happened to her for a second there, but she knew... she knew that was not a dream. She had heard it again. Her voice that belonged to someone else.

"... you said it'd take a while...?"

"It's on the house."

Mikasa blinked a couple of times, finally coming back to her senses. She watched as the waiter walked back towards the kitchen to take more orders to their tables and noticed the Chee-burg in front of her. Eren smiled at the food, taking the fries and eating a few before digging in.

"—you have something on your face, here."


It's the voice.

Mikasa bit the bottom of her lip, sighing at the throbbing pain that circulated in her head and heart. She placed a hand on her chest, opening her mouth senselessly.

"Hey, Eren..." she spoke slowly, the sound of her beating heart blocking out her voice, "have we perhaps..."

She paused as he put his burger down, wiping his hands with a napkin. His shining green eyes met hers and she felt as if the world had stopped at that very moment. The only thing she could hear was the sudden racing her heartbeat.

"... met before...?"

Her question had been left unanswered as his gaze was fully concentrated on her. His gripped his drink tightly, the sound of the ice cubes hitting against the glass echoing in both of their ears.


Sorry for the delays ;-;

I've been incredibly busy at school bc I missed an entire week but since my holidays are basically already here I'll try to update as much as I can ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧

Feel free to critique my writing! I'm open to ways where/how I can improve my writing!

See ya in the next chapter

Ja ne!

𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘞𝘦 𝘔𝘦𝘵 𝘉𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦? | EreMika |Where stories live. Discover now