Volume One - Chapter Ten

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Cole lounged in his study, comfortably smug by the large fireplace as he waited for Nemerai, she had no choice but to join him. But what was taking her so long? He was already nearing the end of his wine. Loathe to move from his warm position and spoil the sweet intoxicated mood that he was dwelling in, Cole decided to give her more time, his patient efforts had all paid off. Leaning back in the deep leather recliner Cole satisfyingly rolled piles of coins through his fingers, enjoying the clacking sounds they made as they hit his desk, enjoying the power that wealth brought him.

Pouring himself another glass of wine Cole watched the dark red hue as it sloshed around, distorting the fire's light, making it seem like he was holding a glass full of gold. He fancied himself the glass as he held onto Nemerai, admiring her beauty as she was trapped within, she had been wasted on his brother. At the thought of his brother Cole grew pensive, downing the glass and pouring himself another, not wanting to dwell on those thoughts any longer.

"Nemerai my darling, are you okay down there?" Cole's shrill voice worked its way throughout the house, filling the silence and disappearing into it, the only answer he received was the creaking of the stairs. Upon hearing the familiar groans Cole was glad, he hoped that Nemerai had remembered to bring more wine. Tossing more wood onto the fire Cole ignored the cold chill that ran up his spine even as he sweated in the increasing heat.

The cold chill had set upon him weeks ago, he had woken during the middle of the night in a frigid sweat, shaking with fear. He had dreamt a dark dream. He had seen Alan whilst he slept, rotten and decayed he watched Cole, with that same idiotic grin across his face, it didn't look as reassuring as it once did. Ever since that night he had struggled to stay warm, as if some dark spirit had marked his body and was attempting to suck the life out of it. Wine and fire were his remedies, so far they had worked well.

The loud creaking of the stairs made Cole shake in his seat, Nemerai never made this much noise, usually she was quiet and timid, afraid to disturb him. Filling his mind with thoughts of Nemerai's figure Cole fought off the unease that was building within him, she must have prepared a lot of food if the stairs were creaking that loudly, she had finally learnt her place. All Cole had to do now was kill the horrid spawn of his older brother that was festering inside her, and then she would be pure again.

The creaking finally stopped, the stairs no longer protesting at the weight they had to bare, just a wave of cold continued as it entered the room, seeping through the cracks of the door. Cole was content to watch as the fire crackled and shifted, its amber hue reflecting off the coins that flickered like little golden lights as they tumbled from his hand, bouncing onto the floor where others lay forgotten. The cold blast assaulted Cole, causing the fire to shrink and hide further in its bed. Cole had never known it to be this cold before.

Why was it so cold?

Turning in his chair Cole froze at the sight before him. Stood in the doorway was a tall shadowed figure, stooping as it squeezed through the narrow entrance. The fires light slowly exposed this daunting figure. Sweat trickled down Cole's face at the sight of his new guest, broad rugged shoulders and a massive frame speaking of undoubted power. Glimpses of revealed skin showed Cole masses of rune covered and scarred skin, evoking even greater fear in his heart and mind. The presence of this stranger filled the room, forcing Cole to shrink into his chair, wishing it could swallow him whole and hide him. Who was this man? This was Cole's question, but his shrill was voice lodged in his throat, refusing to work.

Taking slow paced steps Cole's guest walked across the room, ignoring the lavish goods that Cole displayed on purpose, he placed them to entrance and show off to any that sought him out for business. But the stranger's eyes did not waver, his eyes remained solely on Cole. His huge figure filled Cole's vision forcing him to look up from the recesses of his chair, he felt like the rabbit before the hunter's bow, one small move and he was dead. Despite being so close he couldn't make out any features of the strangers face, it was just a deep black maw staring into him.

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