I turned my head away from them and stared in front of me, embarrassed at how frank they were and relieved that Marcello was nearby. Soon after, we arrived at a section of the mansion with a lot of doors, and when I saw what was behind them, I gasped even louder in fear.

Heavy machinery could be found in some parts of the room, men could be seen counting quantities of what appeared to be drugs in two separate locations, men were seen counting a lot of money in two other locations, and quite a few naked women were attracting the attention of men, which made me gasp in horror and quicken my pace.

Unfortunately, I stumbled into the back of Marcello as I was starting to become a little apprehensive and questioned whether it was a good idea to follow a man I barely know because I had a crush on him.

Marcello turned and looked into my hazel eyes as they met his ocean blue ones. He then scanned my worried face and took one of my hands in his, which helped some by serving as a form of comfort.

As he led us to what I would perceive to be an office-a lavishly constructed space that smelled pleasant, was rather spacious, and was attractive-I flushed modestly and turned my head away.

"What you've seen thus far, Amia, is only a small portion of who I really am. I'm a very dangerous man, little one. I brought you here to present to you who I truly am, and it's possible that you now have a different understanding of things as a result of what you just saw-it would be rather unexpected if you didn't-so that you can better understand who I actually am." While closely observing me, Marcello suggested settling down on the top of his desk.

"I'm warning you that this is a very dangerous road, and I'm giving you the ultimatum to choose." He continued to speak.

"A-are those women being compelled to work as prostitutes?" When I questioned him, to my complete amazement, I heard a humorous chuckle from him that made me blush.

I was almost and instantly in love with his contagious laughter.

"You just seen some of the most vicious men, some of the deadliest machines, I just exposed that I'm a very deadly man, and your worry whether the females you saw earlier on were forced prostitutes?" Marcello looked at me amused with an eyebrow raised.

"You don't even concern yourself with your own security, do you, little one? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that you care more about other people's lives than your own." I pouted.

It was obvious to me that Marcello thought there was something wrong with me, which was a feeling I preferred to avoid.

"Actually, I do, but.." I immediately restrained myself from going any further despite the fact that I was well aware of Marcello's reputation and the fact that I was going to commit a very grave error. I couldn't help but worry that I might end up just like those women.

Forced into prostitution.

Marcello continued to raise his eye brow at me waiting for an answer while his deep blue eyes observed my every movement.

"They are sex workers here to make a life; they are not being coerced, Amia; they come here voluntarily to look after my men and occasionally my clients. At the end of the day, they can feed their families since it pays well. Women and children are not harmed by me. So, to answer your question, no, you won't be coerced into being a prostitute in any manner." I bit in my lip and nodded.

Even after witnessing such heinous acts and hearing the majority of his disturbing statements, I was still tempted to stay with him. Although I was aware of my naivety, I couldn't help but fall head over heels for the dangerous man I thought wouldn't harm me.

I cautiously moved forward and noticed Marcello was closely observing me from his desk. Despite the fact that he was sitting, he towered over me as I timidly made small steps until I was immediately in front of him.

"Amia Snow, you astound me."

"I surprise myself as well too." I looked down while fumbling with my fingers.

I gave a hesitant smile as Marcello gently lifted my chin so I could see his piercing blue eyes.

"Is it simply my wealth, Amia, or is there something else that attracts you to me?" My eyes widened in alarm at what he said.

"No." I immediately spoke up blushing.

"You promise not to harm me, will you?" While I stood even closer to him, I made sure to look into his eyes.

I was feeling a lot courageous around him.

"No, I won't harm you; you're too precious and much like a delicate flower for me to harm or hurt you, little one." I was a little relieved to not catch him lying once as I studied his eyes for a while.

"And are you certain you want to continue down this road little one?" I peered up at him before nodding my head at him.

"Very well, then." He replied by placing his lips tenderly against mine and tightly enclosing me in his chest while my hand curled into a small fist and wrapped around the collar of his shirt.

And I could tell that this was indeed it.

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His Little One✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें