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I woke up with Gill's hand loosely holding mine. I took my other and ran it through his bedhead with a smile. "Hey, Fish."

He jerked upright from his place curled up beside me on the bed. "Oh my God, Ronny, hey." Gill stroked my hair with a soft smile. "Gave me quite the frightenin'." He landed a kiss on my forehead.

"Why's that?" I tiredly looked around in a blur to take account of my surroundings. Everything was fuzzy. It was as if I'd been over the top drunk the night before and was left with no memory of the night and a raging hangover.

He scoffed as if it was obvious. " 'Cause you were screamin' 'n writhin' in pain until you passed out for eleven hours 'n," he looked at the clock, "fifteen minutes. Was really terrified for you to say the least." He scratched the back of his neck.

Only then I noticed his own worn-out demeanor. I sighed and caressed his face. "Oh Fish." He leaned into my touch. My attention caught on the sight of my hand. It was... different.

I sloppily stumbled over to a mirror and gasped when I saw my true form staring back.

He walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist. "You look beautiful." Gill kissed my cheek.

I grinned. He's too kind to me. "I adore you."

"I adore you too." Gill gingerly smiled back.

His mind was on high alert from this whole snafu I could tell by the means of him fiddling with his fingers. But this was one positive thing about me disrupting our perfect lives with getting my memories back. I pet a lock of my red hair, relishing in knowing what I'm meant to look like, but morphed it back into a brunette. Gill tilted his head in question and tucked my hair behind my ears to better see me.

"I'm not the same person I was. Also, I was as kinda growing used to my 'Cameron' form too." I grinned.

Gilligan moved from staring at me in the mirror to look at me face to face. He stroked my cheek, taking in every beautiful detail that I had left, from the flakes of green in my brown eyes to the freckles powdered on my face like constellations. My height for my nineteen year old version was shorter as well.

"Yes you are. You always were. You're my Ronny." I tenderly pressed my rosier lips to his. He cupped his hand on my cheek and stroked his thumb on my jaw. "Wanna go back to sleep? You look exhausted." I nodded my head. I'm not the only one.

He got under the covers and drew me in to lay on his chest. Fish was right. Somehow I managed to still be tired after eleven hours of sleep. I closed my eyes but I was wide awake with my thoughts.

I glanced at the window and saw that it was dark out and Gill hasn't slept well I can tell so he's probably exhausted. Almost immediately after the thought crossed my mind, I heard faint snoring. I grinned and moved my lips to kiss his jaw since I couldn't reach his cheek in his snug hold.

I stayed silent with my eyes closed as I tried to fall asleep too, but couldn't. He kept haunting my mind. What we were. What we would've been if I hadn't found Gill.

I looked back up at my husband as if he was going to hear my thoughts. I sighed then jimmied out of his confinement and went for the coffee pot. Damn you Five Hargreeves. My life was perfect until you had to screw it all up.

I poured myself a cup of the black liquid. It was cold now, but it serves its purpose so it's fine with me. I looked at Gill snuggling with a pillow in my place and sighed then sat down on the couch in the living room beside our window.

The next morning Gill found me still sitting in a chair sipping a fresh pot of coffee while looking out of the window of our apartment. I was still shaken after getting Five's memories back. I didn't know what to think. I love him, but I love Fish too. Really, him being my husband made it no competition saying it aloud in my head. I'm Gill's. End of story.

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