Chapter 5 You're Mine!

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Trying hard not to stare, I turned my head. He was a handsome man but this taking people against thier will thing he had going on did not work for me. Not to mention something about him screams danger. Even with knowing all of that my eyes still made their way back to him.

"Where am I?" I asked unable to settle my thoughts, especially not with him this close. My heart was thumping so loud, I just knew he heard it.

"Go to sleep" he said in a deep breathless voice, sounding annoyed.

"But-" I was cut off by his swift movement.

He inclosed me under his body. Pinning my arms back. Making me freeze like a deer in headlights. I could feel his dick on me, and I could feel it grow hard as he locked me down. Was he about to do the unthinkable?

"Not one. Not one more word" he said in almost a growl scaring the beejeebies out of me.

The wild look in his eyes, made me close mine. This is it, I took it too far I thought as I waited for him to kill me. After a few minutes of holding my breath, I opened my eyes.

He was staring at me, as if he found me amusing even though there was no smile on his face. His eyes traveled all over my face, as I felt his body start to press down on me. The warmth from his body surrounding me, making me melt into him. I could feel him getting harder, making me instinctively try to clinch my legs together. We was core to core, as he slightly moved his hips.

I needed some separation, as scared as I was my body was reacting. I could feel myself getting wet for him. I kind of liked his touch and that scared me more than him holding me down. Why was I feeling this way? Taking a deep breath in he let me go as he rolled over, giving me his back exhaling loudly.

"Go to sleep, human. We'll talk more in the morning" he said not bothering to look at me.

I didn't understand all this human talk. I didn't understand why I here or what did he want from me, any of this. I was thankful that he didn't do anything but I still have so many questions. Finally letting go of my breath I closed my eyes, with my heart and clit thumping rapidly.


Sleep did not come easy for me last night. Especially with him in bed with me I couldn't find a comfortable spot. It seemed no matter where I moved to he seem to find his way right next to me. Sweating me all night. Like now, I was in a far corner of the bed and he was right next to me trapping me between him and the floor. One wrong move and I wouldn't be in bed no more. His hand was on my thigh, and no matter how many times in the night I moved it it ended up back there. Making me wetter than I already was. I literally woke up soaking and I didn't understand why.

He was facing me so I was able to study his face. He was shockingly handsome, in a rugged kind of way. The beard he sported adding to his rough look. A few strains of his long dark brown hair fell on his face. He looked so peaceful sleeping.

My eyes wondered his whole face going down his neck to his chest. My goodness he was ripped. Every muscle sticking out showing itself in all its glory. Making me want to just rub my hand down his chest just to feel them. I've never been this close to a man with a body like this. He could've been a underwear model with how sexy he was. Looking a little further down I could see he definitely didn't skip leg day. He was fine with a capital F, making me more moist just looking at him.

Get it together he kidnapped you I thought scolding myself for checking out my captor. I didn't know where these feelings was coming from but they needed to stop. This man is crazy no way I should be feeling this way about him. I needed to get my hormones in check, I was scared he was going to do something to me now I was checking him out like a pervert.

"Like what you see little human?" His voice rang out in a sleepy tone, making me freeze in my tracks. I couldn't look up, I was too embarrassed to do so.  I was caught red handed. Before I could say anything he had me pinned under him again. This time though I didn't even fight it, my mind was telling me no but my body was telling me yes.

"Umm, I have to pee." I said quickly, it was the only thing I could think of to say. He caught me checking him out and I needed him off me before I did something I might not regret. It was like he had some kind of pull on me.

"Go pee, while you there freshen up. I can smell you I know others will too. Breakfast will be served in a while." He said rolling over sitting up at the edge of the bed. Running his hands through his hair before shaking it, he pointed to a door straight ahead of us.

I hopped up quickly before he changed his mind and started screaming like a mad man again better yet before I changed my mind and let him take me right there and now. There was a door attached to the room we were in, knowing it wasn't an exit I scrambled to get behind the door. Putting as much space between us as I can. I'm sure he wouldn't send me out of this room would he? Sliding the door open I walked in and paused.  It was definitely a bathroom.

This bathroom was huge, I'm talking being twice the size of my room back home and I didn't have a personal bathroom. In the middle of the room was a huge tub that looked like an indoor pool with a waterfall attached that ran over like a shower. There were no sinks just a marble block with a bowl on it made of the same marble with what looked to be a crystal vase of water next to it.

On the wall above the "sink" was a mirror with gold trimming. The gold was polished making it shine bright.  The toilet was in an opposite corner of the sink or what I interpreted as the toilet since it was nothing more but marble block with a hole in the top. With the splashes of gold and purple everywhere, this bathroom look as if it was made for royalty from way back when.

It's 2022 and they didn't even have running water. How was I supposed to freshen up in here? I didn't know who was in that water or how old it is. It didn't look dirty but still you never know. Walking further in I went over to the toilet and looked in, to my surprise it was not full to the brim with feces but it did have a strong smell. A knock on the door, stopped my nosiness from getting the best of me.

"I have something for you to put on" I heard a voice say behind me not bothering to wait for me to say come in.

Good thing I wasn't getting undressed. Turning around I seen him standing at the door holding some fabric in his hand. It looked very shiny against his dark clothes he put on. He was so big I knew he had to duck to come into the bathroom. Laying the fabric down on the sink he turned to leave.

"Hurry up" was his parting words before walking out.

Rolling my eyes I took my shoes off and walked over to the tub. Looking at the water that was clean enough for me to see the gold outline around the bottom I said fuck it. Dipping my toe in I tested the temperature of the water, to my surprise it was not as cold as I was expecting nor was it hot it was more of a lukewarm temperature. Quickly undressing before he decide he wanted to walk back in I stepped completely in the tub. Dipping my foot in was one thing but putting my whole body in had me freezing. Grabbing a bar of soap that had a string attached I smelled it. It smelled like coco and honey.

Washing myself quickly I got out, he didn't leave a towel for me so I was freezing as I grabbed my old clothes and dapped myself dry. Walking over to the fabric I seen it was a dress and nothing else. No underwear, no bra. The dress was light blue, with lace detail in the front near the chest. It was long sleeved and with me being as short as I was I knew the dress was going to drag on me.

I really wanted to put on some pants or something to make my lady parts feel more secure, but I didn't want to test him again. No way did I want to be under him again with nothing blocking my lady parts. Dressing quickly, I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was all over the place, it was all over the place after sweating and sleeping without wrapping it. Fixing it wouldn't be hard but without my hair essentials I was going to have to improvise. Splashing a little water in it I split my hair into two uneven halfs. French braiding each half making them meet at my right side combining the two as a long single braid that came down my shoulder stopping just below my breast.

It was quick and I didn't look like a complete mess. Looking myself over once more I walked towards the door, pausing with my hand on the handle. Did I really want to go out there? I didn't know what awaited me. What if he's taking me to my death? What if I was some type of sacrifice or something? Unfortunately for me there was nowhere for me to go. I had to get out of here. Not wanting him to come back in to get me I turned the handle while taking a deep breath.

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