Chapter Four

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Vivian's Pov
By mid day the next morning, I was saddened to have to leave Rheanyra. She was always a joy to have around, she could make you laugh and she was very tough at that. My position has been reassigned. I didn't even tell my father of my departure seeing as he barely had anything regards to me as it was. He was lucky I have the decency to ever tell his wife about my mother and me.

With only Rheanyra there to bid be goodbye with tearful hugs and mutters of me to only be safe while holding my face. I smiled at her cooing at her before my long journey on the waters. It was no secret before my mother died she shared everything that she could about our homeland. she said it was a beautiful town near the beach. All places had their problems.

It was a couple days at sea, feeling greatly dizzy, puking wasn't my favorite activity I just knew this was the one place Daemon any of them wouldn't find me here it was far out from kings landing. And perhaps it would do some good to focus on my own family.

A heavy sounding sigh left my lips shifting my eyes to focus on the sun rising over the fresh sight of the water the rushing crashes of waves towards the shore, just to rush right back into its normal position. It was such a breathtaking sight. I rested my palms under the surface of my stomach for a moment sinking my shoulders down for a moment. I suppose it also was time to focus more on myself then anything else such a endless mindless loop. I took a peek at the dark red fabric a faint smile growing rubbing at the surface of my stomach.

One day... You will forgive me for the freedom I gave you from the madness little ones..

Pregnancy was how they described it in all the lecture books. Painful and round. If you weren't dizzy you were throwing up every second as each moon passed. I had managed to snag a simple cabin like house and a easy going tavern. The days weren't that hard, other days I realized loneliness was a real thing that struck people.

As the moon's passed by, the growth of the child flew before my eyes, a warmth like flame would spread across my belly. It was far too large for one. And on the night of a shivering winter moon, I witnessed it. The moment your life flashed before my eyes. The pain was enough to kill you, each scream didn't help as the pain rocked across my abdomen.

And right there in that bedroom, I went into labor on my back. It was a miracle birth in my eyes, twins one girl and one boy. A friend of mine from the tavern had came by on her weekly visits up to a shock she helped cut the cords sitting on the bed with me watching me rock two babes close together.

"Twins? You are lucky to be alive Vivian, why must you always do things on your own? Such a mystery you are. I'll make you some tea to help with the pain." Rosemary's tone was one of someone scolding their younger siblings brushing her palm over my sweaty temple causing me to wince in time leaning my site body over the bed even more.

"I chose to do this pregnancy on my own Rosemary, although.. Never again will a man touch me no matter the pleasure that was horrific." I stifled my harsh laugher sighing as I leaned back further on the pillows taking a look at the two babies gently.

"Her name shall be Aureila, and her brother will be Adonis." I muttered to myself rocking them both slowly. I believe the only true worry is the dominant trait of sliver hair and blue eyes. It was a Targaryen trait that shined through every single child born after the other. The would have a little color to them as they grew older.

I lowered my head down pressing a couple kisses to each of their heads, shutting my eyes resting my pounding temple on the surface of their heads hearing Rosemary shuffling around out the bedroom towards the open kitchen messing with the tea kettle.

"You do know you aren't allowed to work for a few days? It's like when your womanhood is taken, you'll be in dreadful pain you pushed out two kids! I'm quite sure you split something." A soft snort left me shaking through my rounds of laughter humming a soft melody glancing to focus on the flicking of the high rise fire blazing out to the night.

"There's no ifs and or buts. I most definitely split something, I screamed a lot too it took some hours I believe yes." I nodded a couple times watching her making her way back into the room, setting the cup along side the table she sat back down on the table next to me focused like.

"I heard it's rough.. But you managed to pull through, congratulations you are a mother." She giggled down at me softly staring at me even more, I fluttered my eyes sleepy like. She was right, I should be happy and blessed. And that was the many emotions I was feeling all at once.

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