Chapter Three

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Vivian's Pov
I wasn't too sure on how long it had been going on for. From the time it had started that one night, it became an everyday occurrence after my duties I was summoned by Daemon, and he did the one thing he now knew he had before anyone else.

At first it made me feel as if I was unpure and that was all I was needed for, before the long night came he would hold me in his embrace stroking at my hair speaking with me in a slightly tender tone. Of course he could still be a bastard. I still could remember the last talk I had with him the night he had left. He was true to his words of leaving and no one knew of his departure.

"My uncle has always be unreasonable he baffles me so more then anything." I faintly smiled at Rheanyra's pouring her some water in her goblet sliding it over to her.

"Well my princess he is called the rouge prince for a reason. I'm sure we won't be seeing the last of prince Daemon I can assure that." She looked back up towards me flashing me a kind smile. I placed the pitcher down for a moment holding onto the edge of the table at the sharp uncomfortable movement through out my stomach taking a breather in, I straighten myself out. Resuming back to tuning into Rheanyra's morning rants.

"Is everything alright Vivian?" I gently waved her off with a chuckle, moving my hands to press onto my lower back.

"I'm alright my lady. Just been doing too much kitchen duty. Nothing a bath can't help." Her eyes peered at me from over her goblet before she was exclaiming again.

"I just feel so betrayed by Alicent Vivian... My best friend marrying my father.. Everyone knows it's just so he can push heirs into her till he has a boy so he can have no use for me." I nodded at each of her words before my body slightly tensed up.

That's right heirs.... It's been a good three weeks hasn't it. Almost as if my blood ran cold, I gently bowed my head towards Rheanyra fast like.

"Excuse me my lady, may I be excuse for a moment?" When she got like this all you could really do is let her down a her mind, although this matter was extremely important.

"Of course you can have the rest of the day off if you need it." I flashed her a grateful smile before grabbing the edges of my dress rushing off out of the room heading towards the healers chambers.

As much as uncomfortable as it may be having others looking at your body. Pregnancies wasn't much of a joking matter, many woman had died from it, it was more deadly than war itself. I tried to keep my mind occupied the entire time I was being examined, my mind floating off to all those words Daemon had spoke to me.

I curse him in every way that I can. I'm sure there's been plenty of rumors of him getting different servants and maids pregnant. It wasn't even a lie that he has a mistress while being wed. I was just the fool to let him take what he wanted. Having his children was a deadly game he was playing.. And if it was true I couldn't stay here in King's landing anymore it would be far too risky and a danger for me, and him.

"Alright Vivian dear, I've finished. I can tell that you missed your bleed, which can either mean one you are pregnant and or you have an irregular bleed. If you have been most active then.. Yes you are pregnant, there's a tea we can make that can, prevent it further." I tugged down my dress, my eyes dazed for a moment before glancing back towards her sending her a soft smile.

"Uhm no that won't be necessary at all, uhm.. Yes I've been active which means pregnancy is most likely what it is. I would like to keep this between just us servants. I'm gonna speak with the princess to have my position given to someone else." The sight of her eyes grew wide had me a little more fearful. It was a idiotic thought I saw nothing else but to carry through the pregnancy just in secret.

Once I was left alone, I rested my hand up on my chin, my thoughts gathering of all the possibilities. I found my eyes watching the door as a figure stormed in full of concern.

"What is the matter with my favorite maid? I heard you are sick Vivian is everything okay?" I stared at Rheanyra in surprise relaxing my stance as she came over grabbing at my hands firmly making me stare into her eyes.

"Speak to me... I may be able to help." I flashed her a soft smile squeezing at her hands. It was hard to keep anything from her,

"My lady... It has come to my attention that... Soon I won't be able to fulfil my duties the correct way. I uhm.. I slept with Daemon my lady, and I'm with child he left and I can't exactly tell him I have no one to tell and I'm a little fearful." The size of her eyes grew for a moment her hands clamping around my hands even more.

"Damn my uncle... Always doing as he pleases.. It would stir up a lot of rumors Vivian. And seeing as you are one of my favorites.. I hate to see you go.. I'll send out a demand order of your position being giving away, and as soon as mid day tomorrow I will fly you to Dragonstone. It's mine I am the princess of Dragonstone. You may stay there for as long as you please till you find it not suited for yourself." I stared at her even more my eyes holding an appreciation for her.

"Are you sure Rheanyra... ? I think that's a little too risky, I'm fine with sailing off to my mother's homeland it's near a beautiful beach." I reassured her squeezing at her hands tightly her eyes held so much sadness gazing at me even more.

"This won't be the last time you see me... I promise." I reassured her as much as I could I was startled when she wrapped her arms to tug me into a firm hug squeezing at me deeply.

"I will miss you... Please take care of yourself for me."

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