Part 21

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"I'm here!"

"Manjiro, h-he's in critical condition."

"What happened?"

"He hit is head playing...fell down the stairs, it's all my fault I shouldn't have bought that damn toy."

You snaked your arm around his waist leaning on his side. "It's okay shin, I'm here."

Those words you thought he needed to hear your tears also falling down your checks. You hugged shin tight, suddenly he pushed you away, shoved his hands in his pockets and looked out at manjiro in the room again before he turned his head towards Emma,baji,senju,and Haru.

"We're sorry, shinichiro!" They cried, their tears worse then his and yours. 

"You didn't do anything, your kids. Don't be hard on yourselves. It's mine."

Your breath hitched, falling onto the ground coughing.

He immediately turned around and went to you. You coughed, choked, and he realized what you had coughed he called for a nurse. 

"Take her to the ER get her emergency care, now!" A male doctor  yelled, his foot stomping on the thing of the bed to move it around the corners (what they call four wheel drive). Shin, ran after them confused,scared,angry,sad, so many emotions he didn't know what to do with anymore.

"[Y/n]!" He called, seeing she was in a room getting hocked up to some machines and an IV put into her arm. She was still conscious   her tears pooling out of her eyes. 

She trembled, she wanted shin. She looked at him again and mouthed his name so many times before he went over to her. Kissed her head and told her and himself it was going to be okay.

"I still don't know what's wrong..." her voice was hoarse, she still trembled he nervous and anxiety rising it was also very cold on there too.

"It'll be okay, I'll be here. You and Manjiro, till the day I die.... If he doesn't die or you die first, I'll make sure you both don't die at whatever cost."

You smiled as a nurse walked into the room, checking vitals asking a few questions. 

"We'll be running tests, also getting a MRI. The tests will be normal organ functions, also blood tests. And tests to look for any serious medical issues like bronchitis, or COPD. Or you could have a vain bust near your heart or lungs too. I'm going to go order those tests ordered and we'll take you tot hose departs shortly." Her tight hair in a braid, her scrubs light blue, with her light hazel eyes serious as could be. She walked out again and back with a consent paper for the tests.

After paperwork y/n, sighed looking at an exhausted Shinichiro.

"Darling, go get some rest. I'll be fine.... Okay?"

"No, I'm sorry but I'm not leaving you. I'm staying by your side I promise."

"Shin, I love you. More then anything I'm this world, your so kind, loving, tough, handy, handsome,amazing, bestest boyfriend in the world, and brother. So more I could say, but you need rest too yo7r health is important too."

He held your hand, staring at you with tired puffy red eyes. "I'm not leaving, I love you so much [Y/n] I'm never gonna leave  your side, ever. I know my health is important but, you mean so much to me... i don't know what I'll do if Something happens to you and Mikey."

You kissed his forehead gently running your fingers through his hair, you smiled sweetly.

"Don't worry shini, We'll be okay, i promise."

He brushed into tears again, sitting on the side of the bed. He buried his head into your neck, you wrapped an arm around him. Shin was not afraid to cry, it didn't show it showed how strong he was because he felt the mental pain and he took it. He didn't want to feel this, he wanted to keep everyone happy but the thought of losing anyone he loved it broke him and his heart.

"Love you, shin I am indefinitely yours and I'm not going anywhere. Will get through this together for the rest of our god damn lives, alright?" 

He pulled away grabbing your hand, "alright."

Smiling you kissed his lips gently smiling.

"Love you my, love."

Author- sorry for the short chapter. Im so uncomfortable right my foot. And still a bit groggy from the Anastasia ok surprised I even forced myself to do this I guess I needed to get something out I am going on break but, I needed to get this out I'll update it to be longer when I come back, but for now. Author-Chan out. Cya

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